automatic water change

@ nuxx,

email me. Lets keep the DIY here, and if you want to know more about my complete kit. Contact me. You could use the stenner setup that Dr. T, and AquamanE are using. It is a good DIY setup.


I hope that you get it too!

You already won a stenner.

Yeah, but I want to complete my collection. :(

@ nuxx,

email me. Lets keep the DIY here, and if you want to know more about my complete kit. Contact me. You could use the stenner setup that Dr. T, and AquamanE are using. It is a good DIY setup.


I hope that you get it too!


Actually, it wouldn't be a bad idea to compile the Litermeter on here as well. This thread has covered Stenner, various eBay set ups, why not add the Litermeter. Guys like MrX/Matt that have gotten chewed out can join back in. LOL
Not too worried with 600-650 gallons of volume that salinity will swing that much...

Just want to see all options before I choose :)
Yeah, but I want to complete my collection. :(

I thought you sold your E-Bay setup to Mr. Porksandwich

Actually, it wouldn't be a bad idea to compile the Litermeter on here as well. This thread has covered Stenner, various eBay set ups, why not add the Litermeter. Guys like MrX/Matt that have gotten chewed out can join back in. LOL

I think adding the Litermeter setup would round out the possibilities.
This started off as a self contained setup with DRThompson starting off with the Stenner then evolved to a DIY setup.
Well, rps3 if you look at the beginning pages of this thread Dr. T has done a good job at explaining the Liter Meter, and also you can check out his other threads. The reason he chose Stenner is that he likes the APEX system Randy Holmes-Farley also has great speeches about the Lm3.

Some of my posts in the recent past have been removed. Until I get a go ahead that I am allowed to directly speak about it, then I will stay away from it. I am simply here to offer technical advice if any is needed. When your club president give me the go ahead to talk about the Lm3 and pump modules, then I will be fine with that. I just want to be respectful, and Dr. T specifically told me not to on the DIY thread.

IF you want to learn more you can email me.

Ehhh politics, Eddie was actually surprised your comments were deleted. He wanted them to stay as another source of info. I believe it was deleted because it became an argument.
Plus, this thread is dying anyways. We need more info on other systems to keep this alive. Problems have been solved, therefore the great thread has hit peak and will eventually go to the archives eventually.
I'm ok hearing about other systems. Your original posts seemed almost like an advertisement to me. I'm not a fan of deleting useful info and this thread is titled "automatic water changes" not "DIY automatic water changes". The LM3 may not be the solution for everyone including myself, but certainly welcome straight forward useful info.

Also sorry that my build is taking so long to provide more useful feedback. Everything is almost ready for me to start doing water tests, but i haven't had any time to program the controller to do what I need for a controlled test. I'm also a little sidetracked because i want it to mix my saltwater for me too :) anyway hope to be able to report back with volume metrics soon...

My original post was an accident. I am new on the forum. Our company has been on the forum for years. I neglected to realize that there was more than one page on this thread, I was actually responding to a post on the first page. After the fact I realized that there was 30 something pages at the time. I did not want to sound like I was just selling, but some DIY should be left alone IMO. When you do it yourself, and you lose your whole tank due to some sort of failure who's going to pay for the damages and loss? When you have a reputable company that backs their work, it means a lot.

We do have APEX ready pumps!

No worries Jeremy :) a topic like this deserves to have all options available and pros cons hashed out.

And I have a Reef Angel not an APEX ;)

Yes I'll work with that too :D
Ehhh politics, Eddie was actually surprised your comments were deleted. He wanted them to stay as another source of info. I believe it was deleted because it became an argument.

Yes rps3 you are right that i was surprised and disappointed the Spectrapure posts where deleted. For what ever reason. Im sure the mods had a reason.

That being said the goal of this thread, which i discussed with Dr. T when it originally came about, since i have more time on my hands than he does, was to provide info and dialogue into AWC systems.

That is where we are and ide like to keep it that way. Their is a multitude of ways to accomplish the same goal. There should be no arguments, just different options, and opinions.:uzi:
^ Bravo! Thanks for all of your support. I took a little bit of heat from my bosses about my posts getting deleted. I explained to them that I meant no harm by my posts, and that I really didn't realize that there were 30 something pages for the thread. I am used to how things operate now, and after a few other comments being deleted I feel that I have found the balance of what I can post, and what I cannot.

I hope that you all have a wonderful weekend!


Thank you all again!


One small step towards setting it up. LOL
I got the water lines ran from the laundry room to the tank yesterday, so I'm one step closer as well. :)
this is something i've always wanted to do (AWC), but thought it was to expensive and difficult; after reading this thread it looks very doable.

two questions for the experts.

1) most are doing small volumes of water, is there any reason i couldn't do 15 gpd. maybe salinity shift or too hard on the pump?

2) with 15 gpd, would i be able to locate the pump and water about 50 feet away? it seems the 170 gpd Stenner would handle that easily?


I called it. Loose connection :D :beer:
Glad you got it working. Nothing more frustrating than "it should work but it's not".......

zachts, you were close. It was a bad side of the relay. It stopped working again after I soldered the connections. I contacted AutoTopOff and he suggested trying the other side of the relay. He also sent out a replacement relay (great service). I moved the connections to the other side of the relay and it has been working all week. I will have to keep an eye on the salinity based upon what you guys are seeing.

Thanks for all the assistance.