For some reason I thought Dr. T was the president. My apologies. Yes we do have pumps that will work with the apex. The can push vertically of at least 60 feet, and they can push hundreds of feet horizontally. What makes the LiterMeter so special is that if two pumps do not have the exact flow rate, then the LiterMeter is programmed to balance it out depending on what your desired GPD of exchange is. A common misconception about the LiterMeter is that it has to be periodically re-calibrated. This is not true. When Dr.T and Eddy gave their speeches on the LiterMeter, it was a few years ago. Every year we make improvements to our pumps, and we will have some nice surprises for you folks soon to come.
We are always running test on these pumps. We try our hardest to test the limits of the water exchange rates per day. We also run test on a minimal scale as well.
We designed these pumps specifically for what we all are trying to accomplish with reliability. I didn't mean to disrespect another's set up, but those stenner pumps are loud and big. They are decent pumps, and it is a very cool set up. Even as a consumer I would choose smaller and quieter. With technology we as a society have a tendency to want smaller more efficient pieces to our puzzle.
I sell many pump, and I will always sell them. People want them. I am not here to sell you a pump, but to make your lives easier. I believe with pumps that are not accurate cause us problems with AWC. It throws of our salinity, and creates a perpetual cycle of dosing this and dosing that. No thanks! That is not for me. Even as a consumer I know better than to worry about a few dollars when I already potentially have thousands invested into a reef tank.
It breaks my heart when people just look for the cheapest thing that they can find, because I know more than likely something will go wrong at some point.
Our pumps are not just used in the aquatic application. They are used for many methods of transferring water, dosing, etc.
Here is a link to the Apex compatible pumps that we make.
If you have any other questions please feel free to ask.