B-ionic in SPS coral systems

I have heard that the b ionic does not have mg and it to me made sense I was using it for a while and had a hard time keeping my alk consistent. Switched to kent reef fusion which I have read has other essential elements and my alk has been dead on the money ever since. I am not saying it is true just what I heard and I am relatively new in learning about cal and alk additives. Any one heard this before? Thanks
Gotta love the marketing nonsense in this hobby and the fun things that result from a lack of anyone regulating the claims that are made...

My favorite claim in recent years is still the Kalk+2 magnesium nonsense from Chris Brightwell. That alone is reason enough to never trust a supplement company (probably especially Kent and Brightwell) and their claims. If you guys want to believe there's other special stuff/ingredients in B ionic or any other commericla two part, then knock yourselves out. By maybe at least have ESV tell you what those ingredients are. For all I can tell it's simply the naturally occuring impurities in calcium chloride and sodium bicarbonte/carbonate
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"for all I can tell"

And how is that?

The secrecy surrounding what those extra things might be and in what concentration they occur. It's quite common in the hobby to put some positive spin on impurities since they can just call them trace or minor elements.
Ah, ok, so in other words you're just as clueless as everyone else.

Yes, you should believe the people that are trying to sell you a bottle of baking soda and water for $20 instead of me and Gary that are simply trying to help and have nothing to gain regardless of what you buy. :headwalls::facepalm:
Ah we find another guy talking down to people in his natural habitat: the internet. This is a discussion forum and op asked for opinions. None of us are selling him a product. We are simply stating that we prefer B-Ionic, and sharing our experiences and observations. You can have your opinion Pete, we can have ours.
"for all I can tell" And how is that?
funny how you picked on Peter but didn't question what Steve posted about Greg Hiller :)

I have heard that the b ionic does not have mg and it to me made sense I was using it for a while and had a hard time keeping my alk consistent. Switched to kent reef fusion which I have read has other essential elements and my alk has been dead on the money ever since. I am not saying it is true just what I heard and I am relatively new in learning about cal and alk additives. Any one heard this before? Thanks
There is a good reason ESV sells a (separate) liquid magnesium supplement.

This question about B-ionic's ingredients isn't new. Concentration differences aside, claims based on anecdotal observations are all we have to go on when it comes to B-Ionic.
If you feel that BRS supplements cause your corals to STN, RTN or lose color I guess you're just gonna have to pay the piper named ESV :)
You know what's really great? I'm looking at both bottles of B-Ionic right now, and there is a list of EXACTLY what's in it.
I started with b-ionic with my first sps tank. It never broke so I never fixed it. Just saying. I like the stuff.
essentially impurities ;)

ESV is more concentrated than the DIY recipes. That's the main difference.
ESV B-ionic is basically just a brand name slapped on the same stuff.

Ditto with calcium hydroxide. ESV and BRS both sell it. Any perceived differences are just that.

Sorry Gary, you are wrong. Yes, both are 2-parts, but the source for both two parts is different. Yes, some of the "extras" are impurities, but not all impurities can be considered beneficial ;)

You do also know who Galleon is don't you? Check the forum at the secret place, you'll figure out who he is rather quickly.
You do also know who Galleon is don't you? Check the forum at the secret place, you'll figure out who he is rather quickly.[/QUOTE]

The suspense is killing me! Who is this guy? Lol. I'm curious now.
If you've ever made analytical-grade artificial seawater from scratch (I have), these ingredients and their separation will be quite familiar.

