B-ionic in SPS coral systems

I'm nobody. Just a humble wannabe grower of fuzzy colored sticks. :)

Well thanks for making me read the ingredients for the first time since first starting to use b-ionic 3 years ago! I never knew it had strontium, magnesium, iron, and COPPER! :reading:
Ah we find another guy talking down to people in his natural habitat: the internet. This is a discussion forum and op asked for opinions. None of us are selling him a product. We are simply stating that we prefer B-Ionic, and sharing our experiences and observations. You can have your opinion Pete, we can have ours.

Exactly where did I talk down to anyone? I was told I was clueless and acused of putting words in someones mouth while simply noting the marketing spin that has been happening with supplements in this hobby for the last 25 years.

You guys are absolutely entitled to your opinion... C ionic is great if saving money isn't a big priority but convenience is.

B ionic is most likely nothing more then the same ingredients used to make many two part systems, if it has some other ingredients that they add, not just impirities, why not be very upfront with what those beneficial elements are and in what concentration they occur? Didn't they or someone else at one time list percentages in concentration? Also, if there are additional elements added to B ionic, don't you want to know what they are? I personally have never seen a need or benefit from adding trace elements outside of regular water changes. So, I don't see anything appealing about trace elements in B ionic anyways. In fact I would actually look at it as a detriment and be a little concenred about certain potentially dangerous elements (copper) being elevated. Plus, if you're so worried about the trace elements, why not simply do a DIY two part and then add a trace element supplement?
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why do these threads always turn out negative if u have had luck with b-ionic use it if u have luck with 2 part use it in this hobbie there are many diffrent ways to do things with success.
You do also know who Galleon is don't you? Check the forum at the secret place, you'll figure out who he is rather quickly.

The suspense is killing me! Who is this guy? Lol. I'm curious now.

We're all old timers of the forums ;) That doesn't make you exactly somebody, just someone that has been around :)

There are science related questions I'd pose to no one but him though. He's no slacker.
We're all old timers of the forums ;) That doesn't make you exactly somebody, just someone that has been around :)

There are science related questions I'd pose to no one but him though. He's no slacker.

Gotcha.:thumbsup: nothing like a trusted info source.
Yes, you should believe the people that are trying to sell you a bottle of baking soda and water for $20 instead of me and Gary that are simply trying to help and have nothing to gain regardless of what you buy. :headwalls::facepalm:

I am no tring to sell anyone anything just stating facts. Sorry if you are getting upset but there is more to bionic then just baking soda and snow melt. The only reason I switched to home made was for money reasons. Now that I can afford better dosing I will change to b ionic and when I used it my fuzzy colored sticks were nice.
I am no tring to sell anyone anything just stating facts. Sorry if you are getting upset but there is more to bionic then just baking soda and snow melt. The only reason I switched to home made was for money reasons. Now that I can afford better dosing I will change to b ionic and when I used it my fuzzy colored sticks were nice.

Not getting upset at all... I've use a couple different commercial 2 parts (including ESV), homemade 2 parts, kalkwasser, and a calcium reactor all for years at a time thorughout my years in the hobby. I can't claim any noticable difference between the various methods as far as coral health and color goes.
Not getting upset at all... I've use a couple different commercial 2 parts (including ESV), homemade 2 parts, kalkwasser, and a calcium reactor all for years at a time thorughout my years in the hobby. I can't claim any noticable difference between the various methods as far as coral health and color goes.

I think two part has its down falls but it works very well. I just feel that a commercial product is more stable and consistent. But when my good freind Greg S was alive we talked about this and he actually told me all the extras in b ionic had in it. I am not trying to tell anyone to by the product but it sure has been around for years for a reason. Once I run out of my home made I will start before and after pictures.
Enjoy everyone
Ive been using ESV B-Ionic since I started over ten years ago...there has been nothing detrimental from the product unless you consider great color and growth a detriment.
I have done alot of experiments making 2 part, and buying b-ionic concentrate [I buy the large buckets, so its economical and not that much more expensive than Fauna marine I used to use before.

from switching every 2 weeks for about 5 months .... I can say the calcium part makes my SPS look more colourful. all colors. so I stuck with it. alk part seems the same, I saw no difference when using Calcium form b-ionic and sodium carbonate.

just my experience.
i did but only in small amounts, not with top off. i use it with a doser and only did 500 ml per day. only to help boost ph.
I never liked kalk ... it would bond with po4 and precipitate ... and at higher ph it can release it all at once ... perhaps not a HUGE thing but I personally just dont like it.
I never liked kalk ... it would bond with po4 and precipitate ... and at higher ph it can release it all at once ... perhaps not a HUGE thing but I personally just dont like it.

i feel the same way. i would never use kalk again as the only method of maintaining alk/cal. it is ok in small doses.
I've been using it since I started the hobby. I tried BRS and DIY but always came back to ESV. I can't explain it but something about ESV (when balanced dosing equal parts) causes rapid growth. Having precise concentrations helps dialing in the balance.
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