B-ionic in SPS coral systems

After four days of B-ionic:

Seems to have stabilized a bit. Those short lived spikes are normal when the alkalinity is first added but it only lasts a minute.
I am using CB
it's contains

Part A ingredients
Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Calcium Bromide, Strontium Chloride, Lithium Chloride, Rubidium Chloride, Nickel Chloride, Chromium Chloride, Zinc Chloride, Copper Chloride, Cesium Chloride, Iron Chloride, Manganese Chloride, Cobalt Chloride.

Part B ingredients
Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Carbonate, Sodium Sulfate, Potassium Bicarbonate, Sodium Metaborate, Sodium Fluoride, Potassium Iodide, Sodium Selenate, Sodium Vanadate, Sodium Tungstate.

It's easy to use
and I don't need to add other important elements and test them .
Seems to have stabilized a bit. Those short lived spikes are normal when the alkalinity is first added but it only lasts a minute.

Correct. What you are seeing is that my alkalinity WAS chronically low, indicating low CO2 amounts that could be converted by the kalkwasser to carbonate alkalinity. After the two part and a rise in alkalinity, the kalk keeps the pH up, the alk from the 2 part buffers, and keeps it from swinging.
Correct. What you are seeing is that my alkalinity WAS chronically low, indicating low CO2 amounts that could be converted by the kalkwasser to carbonate alkalinity. After the two part and a rise in alkalinity, the kalk keeps the pH up, the alk from the 2 part buffers, and keeps it from swinging.
ok...for the sake of this thread's topic (ie: B-ionic) I won't ask questions about what's happening in that graph.... we should just assume you weren't adding any liquid two part at the start of it... right? :)

IME/IMO it's fairly common for reefkeepers to run a calcium reactor, topoff for evap with kalkwasser AND add liquid two parts.

DIY two part, unless made correctly, will add excess chloride and sodium ions that will accumulate relative to other dissolved ions and ion pairs of seawater.
Aside from the facts that you're 1)paying somebody else big bux to prepare the stock solutions 2)there MIGHT be more stringent quality control on impurities and 3)it's more concentrated, what's different about B-ionic than a DIY liquid two part... and... in either case...(DIY vs B-ionic liquid two parts)... we still need a water change to "reset" levels that will eventually skew. Right?

Laziness and anecdotal observations aside, (some of the observations being crazy!) I want to know why anyone should pay such a ridiculous amount of money for B-Ionic. Forget the fact there are people willing to do so. I happen to think B-Ionic is a great product that's WAY overpriced... but shipping water around DOES INCUR some hefty freight charges... and I understand why the manufacturer would want to make as much money as possible...
ok...for the sake of this thread's topic (ie: B-ionic) I won't ask questions about what's happening in that graph.... we should just assume you weren't adding any liquid two part at the start of it... right? :)

IME/IMO it's fairly common for reefkeepers to run a calcium reactor, topoff for evap with kalkwasser AND add liquid two parts.

Aside from the facts that you're 1)paying somebody else big bux to prepare the stock solutions 2)there MIGHT be more stringent quality control on impurities and 3)it's more concentrated, what's different about B-ionic than a DIY liquid two part... and... in either case...(DIY vs B-ionic liquid two parts)... we still need a water change to "reset" levels that will eventually skew. Right?

Laziness and anecdotal observations aside, (some of the observations being crazy!) I want to know why anyone should pay such a ridiculous amount of money for B-Ionic. Forget the fact there are people willing to do so. I happen to think B-Ionic is a great product that's WAY overpriced... but shipping water around DOES INCUR some hefty freight charges... and I understand why the manufacturer would want to make as much money as possible...

Hello Gary,

Why so much negativity about this product?
My b-ionic ships concentrated. I hand dose daily and test a few times a week. Also have a bottle of mag. Its important to read how everything reacts to each other before dosing anything.

I feel like i can keep the tanks more stabile using b-ionic than homemade, other brand, calc reactor, or kalk top off. Not an expert, but I do keep many corals alive.
I have tried brs 2 part, diy, ca reactor and b-ionic. My levels with b ionic have been incredibly stabile and the growth that I have experienced while using b-ionic has been incredible. I recently took my ca reactor off of my system and went back to dosing because I could never get my ca to stay above 400 or my mg above 1200 without my alk going thru the roof. I buy the 5g buckets from premium aquatics and I find that I have to dose less than the suggested amount. I am dosing 65ml per day for each part when the suggested amount is 1ml to every 4g of water which would suggest that I dose about 100ml based on my twv. Some might think its expensive but I think its worth every penny!
No I use the ghl dosing pump and I calibrate them weekly to maintain as much accuracy as possible.

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15% every two weeks. I use tropic marin bio actif. My alk is 9 dkh, my ca is 430 and mg is 1400. No kalk in my top off.

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I think everyone is in agreement that b-ionic is a great product. In post #2 I said that it was great but it gets expensive. I personally find the extra cost is a small price to pay for added stability when stability after all is key to sps. I will continue to use b-ionic as long as it's available.
why do you think the quest for knowledge is negative?

Maybe I missed it but all I keep,reading is how B-ionic is snake oil that you pay extra for when you can make it for less.....this is true you can make your own 2 part for a lot less, but its not better and sometimes you get what you pay for. Does anyone have access to a lab where they can test the two samples and compare the findings? I already posted what was sent to me years ago about this product and think its a better way to go. $90 bucks for 5 gallons of B- ionic would last most sps keepers over a years supply. I just think home made two part is good ESV bionic is just better.
based on my current consumption @ 65ml per day the bulk buckets will last me 232 days. When I bought the BRS and did DIY I found that I had to dose significantly more than what was suggested in order to maintain my levels.