Seems to have stabilized a bit. Those short lived spikes are normal when the alkalinity is first added but it only lasts a minute.
ok...for the sake of this thread's topic (ie: B-ionic) I won't ask questions about what's happening in that graph.... we should just assume you weren't adding any liquid two part at the start of it... right?Correct. What you are seeing is that my alkalinity WAS chronically low, indicating low CO2 amounts that could be converted by the kalkwasser to carbonate alkalinity. After the two part and a rise in alkalinity, the kalk keeps the pH up, the alk from the 2 part buffers, and keeps it from swinging.
Aside from the facts that you're 1)paying somebody else big bux to prepare the stock solutions 2)there MIGHT be more stringent quality control on impurities and 3)it's more concentrated, what's different about B-ionic than a DIY liquid two part... and... in either case...(DIY vs B-ionic liquid two parts)... we still need a water change to "reset" levels that will eventually skew. Right?DIY two part, unless made correctly, will add excess chloride and sodium ions that will accumulate relative to other dissolved ions and ion pairs of seawater.
ok...for the sake of this thread's topic (ie: B-ionic) I won't ask questions about what's happening in that graph.... we should just assume you weren't adding any liquid two part at the start of it... right?
IME/IMO it's fairly common for reefkeepers to run a calcium reactor, topoff for evap with kalkwasser AND add liquid two parts.
Aside from the facts that you're 1)paying somebody else big bux to prepare the stock solutions 2)there MIGHT be more stringent quality control on impurities and 3)it's more concentrated, what's different about B-ionic than a DIY liquid two part... and... in either case...(DIY vs B-ionic liquid two parts)... we still need a water change to "reset" levels that will eventually skew. Right?
Laziness and anecdotal observations aside, (some of the observations being crazy!) I want to know why anyone should pay such a ridiculous amount of money for B-Ionic. Forget the fact there are people willing to do so. I happen to think B-Ionic is a great product that's WAY overpriced... but shipping water around DOES INCUR some hefty freight charges... and I understand why the manufacturer would want to make as much money as possible...
Quick question. If you dose with B-ionic do you test or just add once a week?
why do you think the quest for knowledge is negative?Hello Gary,
Why so much negativity about this product?
thanks for sharing the important info I failed to ask for!
why do you think the quest for knowledge is negative?