Me too. This hobby is a master class in patience and persistence.when I want to make a change that requires patience it kills me
Eventually you will get over that anxious feeling in regards to your tank, or hopefully you will! I had it a lot when I had seahorses and went on vacations and left the ponies in the care of fish sitters. That is probably the main reason when my ponies outlived their lives, I switched to reef animals that are more easily cared for.Man, having watern the tank reminds me of the old times of stressing over a tank! Sitting at work thinking I hope everything is ok! son says everything is cool, but still.....what did I do! Haha
How many Radions? Which models?Soooo, call me crazy but I bit the bullet and saw Radions AND the Apex are on sale right now on BRS……coming next week
Crazy!Soooo, call me crazy but I bit the bullet and saw Radions AND the Apex are on sale right now on BRS……coming next week