Back in the Hobby after 15-20 yrs

Thanks bud. I’m amazed at how quiet everything is now. Well coming from an overflow 20 years ago that was simply a pvc “flute” (multiple holes down to bulkhead) it’s kind of amazing. I freaked out a bit when I filled tank with water because the tank wasn’t level front to back by an 1/8 of an inch, but should be fine. Now just a waiting game to get this thing growing coralline. Once that happens it’s off to the races
You may be able to speed coralline by maintaining elevated Alk, CA and MG and provided lots of “white” light.
Always good to seed it, that is, scrape some off a snail or other, add to a blender, add 100ml RODI, some CA and mix that up and pour.
Again, I really like what you created there.
Best of luck!
Thanks man. I’m looking at just letting this thing sit for a few months. Don’t have lights yet, and am waiting for things to chill before adding Dr Tim’s one and only. Gonna borrow my brothers ammonia test kit to see where I’m at after a few days. I’m sure with the sand and rock there may already be some in there. It’s just crazy to see a tank that isn’t sounding like a toilet😂
Looking really good! I agree on the overflow thing. It’s come a long way. @BeanAnimal created I think one of the quietest overflow systems around
Looking very nice and exciting times! I really admire your patience. I have been reefing a long time and yet even now when I want to make a change that requires patience it kills me, ha ha!
Thanks guys, I know these next couple months are gonna kill me but we are planning a vacation in August and don’t want my brother to have to do anything for me but check on maybe a couple clownfish. Water is all cleared up today


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Lol I’m not in SoCal so can’t help ya there. But I know the feeling. Nice thing about an Apex can always check basics when I’m at work.

Some also set up basic security cameras to watch their tank. A popular one is Wyze cam (not version 1 - known to have a security bug)
Man, having water 💦 n the tank reminds me of the old times of stressing over a tank! Sitting at work thinking I hope everything is ok!😂 son says everything is cool, but still.....what did I do! Haha
Eventually you will get over that anxious feeling in regards to your tank, or hopefully you will! I had it a lot when I had seahorses and went on vacations and left the ponies in the care of fish sitters. That is probably the main reason when my ponies outlived their lives, I switched to reef animals that are more easily cared for.

Now my tank system is a 'KISS' (keep it simple stupid) reef. It has minimal equipment to break since I have learned that equipment always breaks eventually. There is some redundancy built in( like the return pump that aerates the display from the basement but also a power head that aerates from the livingroom. That way if a circuit trips the tank is still aerated). As an aquarium tech for a lfs, this was the number one reason for tank crashes that I saw. I also have a cheap $20 battery back up pump to aerate if the power goes off. Anyway I have not had a catastrophic failure in 25 years ( that was due to a heater failure which is the next piece of equipment that can cause problems). I now use 2 smaller heaters to keep that from happening.

Stressing over a tank can really ruin your enjoyment of it so relax and just enjoy.
Thanks! Spending a lot of money I don’t have and nothing but rock and water in the tank! It’s all good though. I plan on tinkering with the Apex and “preparing” the best environment. What’s crazy?? I started the cycle and cannot detect ammonia, even after dosing it twice. Didn’t bother with a nitrite kit. Added the bottle of Dr Tim’s on Tuesday, and will check again tomorrow for ammonia.