Banana eel not eating

Ive had a few banana eels over the years and have delt with the not eating. Be
careful treating the tank with any medications copper, prazipro, etc or severe PH swings, moving the rocks around etc. They will lose there appetite. When I catch the Caribbean yellow tail eels basically the same eel they will not eat sometimes for months at first while in QT. If other fish in the tank bully them they stop eating also. Not sure if any of these situation apply but they are very timid animals.Hope this helps . I have lost 1 banana eel from starvation took 8 months. It also never ate from the first day, if your eel was eating in your tank there is a very good chance it will start eating again. Just be patient they have very slow metabolisms . Just remember the more you move things around the tank and add stress to it the longer it will take. good luck