BEAUTIFUL Japanese BB SPS tanks. WOW

"It really does not matter which method is used, but I will say, after the 3 year mark, your reefkeeping skills will need to be legendary." Cool, I'm almost legendary *wink*

"Coralline are algae,low nutrients will prevent all algae to grow including coralline" So would this include the algae that is growing in the SPS tissue too?

EDIT: As far as the black BB goes, I'd love to see it, but wont the rocks still look like they are sitting on something rather then 'growing' up out of the sand / substrate? That's the part I don't like / like.
"Coralline are algae,low nutrients will prevent all algae to grow including coralline" So would this include the algae that is growing in the SPS tissue too?
Yes,that is one of the "low nutrients" point,less zoxalantheas -more colourfull coralls.Zooxalanthee have brown colours.
yea, that's the kicker. Ther is no way that SPS will grow that well without a speck of coraline. That doesn't mean that they didn't grow those SPS, but it certainly wasn't in that tank!!

I can't read Japanese but it doesn't look like the guy replaced corals monthly and they seem to be growing in that tank.

If you look closely there may be coraline on the back glass, this guy is slipping I guess =)
Guy name is Yasuhiro and he is RC registered member but with only few post IIRC.
There is loot of quality information in his few posts.He is the reefer as we all are,not the someone who will change coralls monthly.People who replace coralls regulary when they die due to lack of filtrations,knowledge,...etc dont need to be Japanese,they are present everywhere in every country.
bluereefs said:
Guy name is Yasuhiro and he is RC registered member but with only few post IIRC.
There is loot of quality information in his few posts.He is the reefer as we all are,not the someone who will change coralls monthly.People who replace coralls regulary when they die due to lack of filtrations,knowledge,...etc dont need to be Japanese,they are present everywhere in every country.
I would think that anyone that has to actually 'purchase' these expensive SPS corals would not be willing to continue to 'swap them out' as they die with fresh ones for very long. They aren't the true hobbyist, only someone wanting a 'show tank' for their weekend parties and such. Eventually though, even to these people, the cost and hassles get to them and they get rid of everything. I've been in a LFS and have heard many times, "I want that tank in my house this weekend for my party, I don't care how much or what you have to do, just get it there!" They sign the check with the disclaimer that there are no refunds or gaurantees. Unfortunately, this LFS does just that and sets up a 300 gallon acrylic tank, 100% fully stocked with corals and fish, within the week, just for this upcomming party. They know full well that the following week they'll buy it all back (what's left alive anyway) for 10 cents on the dollar or charge her an arm and a leg to maintain it and restock it. Very sad. But they made about $10K in a week doing it.
I'm glad to hear that some of the tanks pictured here are truly sustaining these awesome corals. It is impressive the amount of work that goes into keeping a tank that clean as well as growing such spectacular corals.
The issue of sterility always goes back and forth. I for one do not sterility as I believe it makes the corals/clams much more vunerable than they should be. After seeing that tank I don't think I would want any of his/her corals simply because the shock of it being in my tank would probably kill it. This is not to say that my tank is filthy, as my params will tell you that they are within target, but the bioodiversity alone would prob be too much for a frag from one of those tanks. Anyway my .02
Nice tanks but as many of you say lots of NATURAL reef crests are clean and are not all sandbeds so should appreciate the time and dedication they put into their tanks. Also the cash put into them.