"Best of" FO's (since we don't get TOTM's)

yeah, I've spent some time keeping many variations of the same theme..... apart from loosing a fish (thankfully something that happens very rarely for me) the most upsetting thing for me is to watch a bully at work..... its one thing when they fight, and fight back, but when they just get hammered...... I find it quite distressing.

I have had angels, tangs, triggers, butterflies, damsels, clowns, wrasse, gobies, blennies...... you name it (all at diferent times in different tanks)...... one thing which I have found strange is that is is the so called "reef safe" so called "peaceful fish" that tend to be the worst for scrapping...... at least with a rough and tumble tank, when two fish aren't getting on, you know it, and you can do something about it..... but when a gramma and a fire fish go at it, what do you do..... strip down a 180 gal reef, displace dozens of fish and corals..... put it all back together after you caught the gramma, and then others start fighting coz you've disturbed territory....... aaaaarrgghhhhhhh!!!!

So, yes, the concept of a liob only tank is something I really like. I know what you mean about the way the flutter around, slowly, gracefully, peacefully....... to be honest, I think I would like that. What I would not like however is 4 or 5 big fish, huddled up agaisnt rocks, motionless for 90% of the time, waiting to ambush something........ only moving when stimulated by my presence..... that would just do my head in....... I know that lions don't "swim" around in the typical sense.... but if they just fluttered around slowly, casually, in a continuous but slow and controlled way, then that would be cool...... would love to see your tank..... or a similar "lion" display.


Matt (who is off to find a memory card for his camera)
ok - these pics aren't great..... I need to take new ones, but can't find a memory card!

Full tank

cabinet etc:

pride and joy - just starting to change - he's changed slightly since this pic.

another emporer pic


emporer and copperband (and lots of horrible algae which is now nearly gone!)

Basic run down of the tank is listed below in my signature :-)

As I say, I gotta get the Mrs to take some new, better pics (m hand isn't steady enough)


Here are some pics of my FOWLR over the years. It is a 210G 7x2x2 with a Ampmaster 3600 return and G4 skimmer with sen 9000 and a heater. There is about 400lbs of large vanatu liverock for all of the filtration.

I don't have any current pics, but a flagfin replaced the passer, black tang replaced the red sea sailfin... and a few other replaces. Somebody gave me another purple tang too. I also added a BPTxGoldrim hybrid and a 5" emp that I have grown since a silver dollar in my SPS tank.

Crosshatch was my baby in this one:

All the fellas hanging out together. I have a 7' tank and they all swim together:
You guys all have nice equipment, mine is cheapo except for my chiller.

I'll take some shots and post, but they are the same as in the 100 other threads I've posted them in.
Dandorth - thats some nice fish you have there! Pity you don't have a black backing on the second one - I used a bin bag on my old 180 and it looked great...... (couldn't paint it).... more info please :-)

Rafael - nice emporer - how big is he? is he in your 180.... again, more detail please :-)....... especially on your emporer (i.e. how long you've had him, bought as a juv. or adult etc.).

Yeah, its nice to see folks putting in the effort here for this thread..... keep 'em coming!
Awsome tanks keep them comming XD. Like everyone says more info! Wonder if anyone has a small FOWL like in the 50's or even a nano FOWL that be cool.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10202367#post10202367 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fishyz
Ever scared to put your hands in the tank?
Fish is a sissy. Yesterday I was trying to get some nori to the queen angel so I was shredding it up real good underwater and the clown kept eating it as I made it, so I grabbed him and squeezed him and then he shook and I let go. Silly fish!

The only fish that would try and would get me once in a while was my big niger. My 7" undulate which didn't get me would try to rush me though and turn at the last second. Warning enough for me. :lol:

and yes, the one tank needs something to hid the back. Was lazy and didn't paint this one. Oh well.
My tank will be a reef one day but for now its FOWLR...
Full Tank Shot:

Morish Idols:

Gave my other idol away to another local reefer they were not getting along to well and basically tearing each other apart.
King of tank:

Lrytail Anthias:

Group Shot:
Rafael - nice emporer - how big is he? is he in your 180.... again, more detail please :-)....... especially on your emporer (i.e. how long you've had him, bought as a juv. or adult etc.).

well I only have him for a month now, got him from another guy who had him for a couple of years, I think, he is in the 180, he was about 6" but I think he is 7" now