"Best of" FO's (since we don't get TOTM's)

A few pics since it has been awhile



Originally had a reef, but sold the majority of my corals (and still selling) when I got my beloved angels! There is still a bit of coral left, but at the rate my angels are going, it will be a FOWLR pretty soon!:rollface:....Anyhow some pics of the 10fter...


Some of the inhabitants

Just to give a rough idea of the size of the fish...the Vlamingii is about 30-35cm in length!
Great pic I was in a lfs today and they had a porcupine puffer the size of a quarter and really yellow it was so cool I almost brought him home but he wouldn't last long in a nano:D
Wow I saw a 13" lionfish today that was awesome. I wanted to get it so bad, but I was afraid it could eat a couple of my fish, so I passed, also have read that triggers will nip the fins, and my picasso thinks he's billy bad ace.
Great looking Clown Trigger, I'm suprised that damsel hasn't been eaten yet.

I have about 10 assorted damsels in with him. They have all been together for about a month with no problems (not to say that he will not make them food at some point), however the damsels are great for cleaning up any small food particles the big CT does not eat.
another view of my tank. The one in the wall is a 6 foot 150g gallon for size reference. It houses a single undulated trigger :)

without flash

Bulbs on the far right are a different spectrum. Tank is a little cloudy since I just done a water change, hence the 50g can to the right:)