"Best of" FO's (since we don't get TOTM's)

It is good to hear that all the little fish are doing well Heath!

DPS- How is everything in your tank? Are the little angels doing well?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14808961#post14808961 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DamnPepShrimp
So what is the difference between the orange face and a maze angel? I know a maze is slightly different from a blueline.
Heath, are you sure you want to be dropping money like this on a fish? I thought you have been losing some fish in your QT recently (over the last month or so).

Both the Maze and the so-called "Orange Face" Angels are overrated and definitely not worth the asking price, especially if you are intending on buying from Diver's Den. I have seen both in person and the maze is essentially the blueline with darker body color and little or no defined lines on the body. If there are lines they are usually darker. (http://www.ezmarines.com/services-1.htm)

The Orange face obviously has more of the orange you commonly see on a Blueline, but its body color is almost as dark as the Maze angel.

IMO the Bluelines are a nicer and a flashier fish that you can get for half the price of the above mentioned "rare" fish. I got my pair of bluelines (2" & 3" specimens) direct from the divers/collectors, QT'd them for a month and got them eating within a week of receiving them, all for under $400 plus cost of cupramine & Prazi.

There are nicer fish to drop $800-1200 on than a Maze or "orange face" angel.
Did you buy a Blue spot or one of the fish I mentioned? A blue spot is neither a Maze Angel nor an "orange face" Angel. You can get a Bluespot wholesale for like $20-30. A maze angel went for $1200 at an LFS in NJ last year. The last orange face was offered for slightly less.

EDIT: Error on my part, I reread your previous posts and noticed you ordered direct from a diver/collector. So it is very likely you paid less than the retail prices I mentioned. I would never consider paying retail for one of these fish. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder though...
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I purchased an Orangeface for 385. I have seen it in person when it got to my LFS. They buy straight from the divers/collectors and they only charge me $10 over what they pay on any fish that I buy from them.
Michael, I relocated my little angels to my brothers tank, since his FO tank is more suited to them. I adopted a few fish, a large purple tang, large red sea salfin, large cinnamon clown, couple large damsels, and I also have my large wrasse and eel. So the little angels weren't going to do well in that system. Plans unfortunately changed. I am also adopting my brothers large passer angel. I just got word that my diver finally has a large queen and large french angel for me. I should be getting them sometime next week. He is QTing them for me with copper, and when they get here, I will add straight to the display and prazipro the display again. The queen is eating like a pig and the french is still finicky, but was just caught 2 days ago.

Jason, thanks for clearing that up. Sounds like a lot of cross breeding going on to make the angels so similar? Kind of like the queen, blue, townsend angels. Good to know the blueline is the better of the trio and the cheapest! That never happens!

Heath, wow that is a steal of a price! Must be nice to have such an amazing LFS do that for you!
DPS: It is very nice to have a lfs like this. If I hadnt given them supurb discounts when I was selling their testing equipment and bulk quantaties of salt and plumbing I wouldnt be getting these deals.
DPS: Also on the thoughts of each individual fish all depends on the "EYE OF THE BEHOLDER" with that said I prefer the Orangeface over either of the others and that is why I opted for it.
I think the Orangeface is almost like a bandit. Some people look at both and ask what people see in them, while other people think there is nothing better than the fish.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14817726#post14817726 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HOBrien
DPS: Also on the thoughts of each individual fish all depends on the "EYE OF THE BEHOLDER" with that said I prefer the Orangeface over either of the others and that is why I opted for it.

I agree and I am glad you got the fish you wanted!
That doesnt mean that I wont be getting a BlueLine Angel as well. My tank will be a Taiwan Biotope but going further as making it a predomanantly Chaetedontoplus Angel Tank.

How about some more "Fish Only Pics"? What happened to this thread, it started out strong and has dissolved into a discussion between 2-3 people about what fish they are buying. I thought I stumbled back into the "Angel/Butterfly Tank" thread. Let's get back on topic. Here are some of my pics, unfortunately I don't have a wide lens to get a full tank shot.








Heath, if an orangefaced and a blueline look similar, I don't see them getting along.

Jnc, gorgeous tank! I'd love to see your rockwork/FTS, sucks you can't get a good shot. You have some nice rare fish there! I'm more of a holocanthus/pomocanthus angelfish keeper, but your angels are amazing! I'll be able to post up some new pics next week, I'll be getting in my new angels :D

I agree, we need to get this thread back on track!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14821241#post14821241 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DamnPepShrimp
Heath, if an orangefaced and a blueline look similar, I don't see them getting along.

Jnc, gorgeous tank! I'd love to see your rockwork/FTS, sucks you can't get a good shot. You have some nice rare fish there! I'm more of a holocanthus/pomocanthus angelfish keeper, but your angels are amazing! I'll be able to post up some new pics next week, I'll be getting in my new angels :D

I agree, we need to get this thread back on track!

I look forward to your pics. I am going to try and get a FTS tomorrow, it may turn out crappy though. My tank had been in lower salinity for several months due to an ich outbreak at the end of last year. I am bringing it back up to 1.022 and raising the calcium to get some purple on those rocks. I may also add some sand, still deciding. I am not that good at taking pictures, but I am still learning.
DPS: I am not going to go on and on about Angel Compatability. So I will just say that you see two of the exact same fish in JNC's tank with no problems. I will be taking precautions when I add the Blueline after the Orangeface as in a tank divider till they get aquanted.

JNC: That is simply Amazing to say the least. I cant wait to see what the FTS look like. What are the demensions of the 300 that they are in?