Michael, I relocated my little angels to my brothers tank, since his FO tank is more suited to them. I adopted a few fish, a large purple tang, large red sea salfin, large cinnamon clown, couple large damsels, and I also have my large wrasse and eel. So the little angels weren't going to do well in that system. Plans unfortunately changed. I am also adopting my brothers large passer angel. I just got word that my diver finally has a large queen and large french angel for me. I should be getting them sometime next week. He is QTing them for me with copper, and when they get here, I will add straight to the display and prazipro the display again. The queen is eating like a pig and the french is still finicky, but was just caught 2 days ago.
Jason, thanks for clearing that up. Sounds like a lot of cross breeding going on to make the angels so similar? Kind of like the queen, blue, townsend angels. Good to know the blueline is the better of the trio and the cheapest! That never happens!
Heath, wow that is a steal of a price! Must be nice to have such an amazing LFS do that for you!