BobbyV's Marineland 300DD Starphire Project

I am sure there are many people that have discovered this about their APEX but using the symbols I thought was clever since it occurred to me on my own.

Active symbols only work when the outlets are on AUTO mode and in use.

Fans are on showing motion. They are currently on in the sump and when they turn off the action accents vanish.

I am using the hourglass to signify a skimmer. So when the skimmer is on the hour glass is full. The sand represents the water/bubbles.

The suns represent heat, if they rise up then the heaters are on.

The spigots are my dosing pumps. When they are they are dripping and when they are off .. .. well you get the point.

The last is my sump light but I don't have it on auto for anything so it is manually off. Maybe I will create a contact switch with the doors. Ehh maybe too much work.

If I ever set up a macro algae refugium I may just name that the auto light and remove the sump light position.


Update on my frankenstein skimmer.

My opinion what makes up a great quality skimmer is the pump and the size of the reaction chamber for bubbles to mix up.

This is my Tunze Hyrofoamer mated with a Bubble Magnus 180EX.

It has an 8 inch cone body but it makes up for it in height, it is 27 inches tall!

The internal ATMAN PH 4000 it comes with is "ehh" but the Tunze Hydrofaomer 9430.04 is amazing!

Maximum air flow performance: 1.600l/h (423 USgal./h) at a water flow rate of 2,000l/h (528 USgal./h).

Power consumption: 24W (32W) at an air capacity of 1,600l/h

I simply mounted the Tunze pump eternally and used 3/4 PVC fitting from Home Depot to install the bubble diffuser plate properly.

The skimmer off ebay is $210 shipped to your home. The Tunze I bought used on the forum for $110. Easily a 400/500 gallon skimmer rated to combat a large decent amount of bioload and keep SPS for $340!

Airline opened up at about 60% bubble pressure.

Skimmers are expensive but if you research the skimmer forums you can build something at 1/2 the price of the advertised brand units.

I am willing to bet the skimmer ratings you see on-line are for tanks with a sand bed. You know how much junk the sand bed holds onto.

Bare bottom tanks in my opinion should be considered as much smaller tanks when skimmer shopping. Easier to nutrient export and the tank doesn't hold onto nutrients as bad. Sand holds onto nutrients much more than rocks.

I should peel off the junky Bubble Magnus skimmer stickers and write with a sharpie "The Bobby V Special".

To be honest, if I could some how engineer a 5 gallon Lowes Bucket and stick this Tunze Pump on it I would.

The key is good quality super fine bubbles mated with the biggest reactor chamber possible.

I don't care what it looks like. I just care about saving money and getting a good result.



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Bobby thank you. The spread and dim look is what gets to me the most about LED. I saw Rogers fixture and loved the balance and spread. I can see from your tank that the 60" is not an issue covering 72" which was a concern for me at the time. Nice tank.
Bobby the setup looks great and I agree with your lighting choice, I've been on the fence about leds for a while I also like a bright tank with less shadows so from your experience I think I will keep my t5 and I love how your tank fits perfectly on that wall
Update on the new sump build.

Added a few more probes to the Apex. Salinity and ORP.

Added an 80 gallon sump with a 40 gallon refugium.

Added an SRO 5000INT with neck extension skimmer. Love it!

Added a Jabeo DC1200 Return Pump

Actually very surprised to get my salinity spot on at 35.0!

Highly recommend the PM2 module .. .. .. very cool add on.

Below are photos .. .. .. Video to come soon.

What are you going to grow in the fuge.....

Just some basic maco algae: cheato. Keep it simple and functionable.

I know I am running GFO but I always wanted a refugium and if anything it will help put that final polish on the water column. (result, less maintenance to the system overall in theory. The two huge BIO media block will absolutely help in my opinion. I have had good personal experiences with bio media.)

So, what are you up too, lots of change here recently.

Since I have invested in a new 8x60 ATI light fixture and now that I finally have a clue as to how to manage salinity and potassium I am going to try my luck again with SPS.

Wish me luck!
Love the Bio media. "Thanks for that by the way" Wasnt sure why you sold me your first block anyway but it still doing its job perfectly. I 2 have been on the fence with my new 300g and after a lot of research and seeing Rogers T5s and now yours, I am going T5. This is not going to be easy since its an 8' tank. I will have 2 buy 2 of the units Roger has which it 16 bulbs. Not going to be cheap, But go big or go home time to buck up. 350$ in bulb changes once a year Ouch.
Looks great Bobby.
Love the Bio media. "Thanks for that by the way" Wasnt sure why you sold me your first block anyway but it still doing its job perfectly. I 2 have been on the fence with my new 300g and after a lot of research and seeing Rogers T5s and now yours, I am going T5. This is not going to be easy since its an 8' tank. I will have 2 buy 2 of the units Roger has which it 16 bulbs. Not going to be cheap, But go big or go home time to buck up. 350$ in bulb changes once a year Ouch.
Looks great Bobby.

T5's are more expensive to maintain but if you are going toward SPS .. .. .. I feel that they are worth it.

(Yes, you can grow SPS with LED .. .. .. I just happen to enjoy T5's MUCH more.)

The 8 ATI Bulb selection that I settled on which looks great is from Back to Front:

  1. Blue Plus
  2. Coral Plus
  3. Actinic
  4. Aquablue Special
  5. Purple Plus
  6. Actinic
  7. Coral Plus
  8. Blue Plus

I really like the Coral Plus in this combo. Having two actinics at dusk to dawn is incredible - this bulb reaches nm less than 400!

I know people get excited about the 400 to 420nm LED range but .. .. .. but going back to the basics with T5's you will be far beyond 400nm.

UV is very difficult for humans to see and appears dim to us, but corals can absolutely benefit from this supplemental lighting.

I believe the more variety of wavelengths the more potential of benefit. So why not?

I am maybe thinking about adding some royal blue led's at some point. However mostly I am very happy as to how my system turned out. (Finally)

Just one 72 inch strip along the back. Such as a Reefbrite XHO. They are expensive but finding the 72 inch heat sink material for a custom DIY may be a pain.

Now I am on the hunt for SPS frags!!
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Emmett. Hp Corals.

Glad you are happy with your t5's. Hope I am happy with the Reef Led Lights fixtures I just ordered.
Emmett. Hp Corals.

Glad you are happy with your t5's. Hope I am happy with the Reef Led Lights fixtures I just ordered.

Thank you for your suggestion of Emmett. I just visited him and picked up 17 species of SPS.

So far so good all survivors after almost a week.

LED's are great but just be careful with them.
I also see you mentioned a manual sump light. We use magnetic door switches to automatically turn our in stand lights on through the Apex.
I also see you mentioned a manual sump light. We use magnetic door switches to automatically turn our in stand lights on through the Apex.

Yes, I know how to do this, but don't feel like running contact wires to each door.

Too lazy. I have the sump lights rigged to the down button display pad on feeding schedule B,C & D at different timing intervals per letter.


Letter A schedule is rigged to turn off all power heads and the AFS is activated.

My fish know when all the flow stops to wait in one area where food is magically supplied from the sky.

I wish that would happen to me. I would have no problem being sprinkled with pizza, cheeseburgers, and ice cream!