Broken Bubble King :(


New member

I have a broken Red Dragon pump on my BK 180 gen 1. I didn't buy it through Premium Aquatics, but Captive Reef, who is now out of business.

Even though the broken Red Dragon pump has a Proline Aquatics sticker on it, since I don't have my reciept, Proline Aquatics isn't going to do anything for me :(

I remember reading in your Premium Aquatics fourms that there are several diffferent brands of pumps that can be used on a BK 180 mimi.

Is there a few you could suggest? Something less expensive than a Red Dragon?

I've always been with the motto "Buy once, cry once" but I don't want to have cry twice. :sad2:

I have my trusty 10 year old Euro-Reef taking care of the tank for now, while I look at my expensive acrylic paper weight. :mad2:

Thanks for any and all help provided.


Sorry to hear about the issue with the pump. First off, I want to make sure that the pump is indeed dead / defective. What is going on with it exactly? It's very odd for one of these pumps to go out, which is why I want to make sure there is indeed a problem to start.

It just stopped running.

I've always cleaned it on a regular basis, and one morning, it just died. I unplugged it, and plugged it back in. It started, and stopped several times, then it just stopped again.

I took it all apart, no algae, no snails, no broken shaft. The washer was in place before and after I removed it for repairs. I soaked it in vinigar, put it back together.

It went right back to start for 3 seconds, stop for 3 seconds, then stop for good. :p

Is there any other type or brand (less expensive) of pump that I can use with a Bubble King?

And thanks, I appreciate any help you can offer.
