Build almost complete!!

Looks good and clean.


Very nice and clean looking you did a great job.


I used rock and sand from TBS in my 29 gal tank. After the mini cycle finished up I put a pair of clowns in the tank and had to deal with the attack of the parasitic Isopods. They would come out at night after lights out and attack the fish. After three days of pulling the fish out to remove the Isopods the fish went back into QT to be treated. While they were in there I treated the tank with two rounds of prazipro and then waited six weeks before putting the clowns back in the DT. The CC survived during that time and the clowns are still in there after a year plus. There is some risk with putting stuff straight from the gulf into your tank. The rocks and sand looks good in the tank. Just keep an eye on things if you put fish in right after the cycle. Of course YMMV.

Yes, there is a risk. I will definitely keep a close eye on things.
So the cycle process begins. Like I said before I placed an order from TBsaltwater of 8 lbs or liverock and 2 lbs of livesand.

Great experience with Richard, really nice guy with a cool story on how TBsaltwater started. He even threw in a few freebies.

This is beautiful rock and sand. I carefully inspected it for hitch hikers. Right of the bat, I noticed a small sea urchin, porcelain crab, some snails tube worms all on the rock. In the sand I noticed mini bristle worms also some type of sponge that will probably die off.

I put the rock and sand in the sump refugium to keep segregated from the main display. I will continue to keep an eye on it. After all hitchhikers identified and I feel comfortable I will move a rock to the main display.

I will be taking my time with the cycle..

Pic in the bag

Pic inside the sump

It's looking great. Have you considered cycling with dr. Tim's "one and only". It worked extremely well for me. Took days instead of weeks. I do realize you are patient though.
Are these different from astrena snails?

Yes, different than astrean snails.

It's like a snail on steroids! It's probably the most expensive snail you can buy $2.50 each but well worth it.

If anyone knows where they are cheaper than that LMK.

It's looking great. Have you considered cycling with dr. Tim's "one and only". It worked extremely well for me. Took days instead of weeks. I do realize you are patient though.

I guess it won't hurt to try. Did you buy it at a LFS? I was contemplating buying bacteria in a bottle to help speed up the process.

I am no hurry. I am not even testing (hate to do it). Right now I am just letting it do it's thing. The live rock from TBSW is awesome. TONS of life, very impressed.

I am feeding small amounts of food to the system to feed the rock an critters in it, also to try to speed up the process.

I will be throwing a hardy fish in there maybe in a week. Meanwhile I am fine tuning all the equipment and parts to get the automation aspect of the build going.
I don't think you need to add bacteria since you got fresh live rock.

You might be surprised at some of the sponges - I have some still alive on TBS rock that I bought 3 years ago.
It's been a while since my last update,

I am past the cycle stage, I am now getting over the diatom stage.

Stained the stand and poly. Not the best job but for it being my first time, not so bad.

I added some fish, as of now I have. 3 bangai cardinal fish, 3 bartletts anthias, 1 hippo tang.

I will be adding more fish slowly, as of right now I have no corals. I will probably start transferring so into this week. Starting with LPS then moving over the SPS.

Still taking it easy, slow and steady.

You could try General Finish's gel stain as you will have better control over it. Pine just simply sucks when it comes to staining. But I've found the gel stain to be very effective along with a satin gel top coat.

Just curious and not trying to ruffle any feathers, but why the hippo tang in this size tank? It looks to be a decent size already and mine grew from an inch to six in just one year. (Much faster than I anticipated for my upgrade) And he's seriously ready for the upgrade.
Thanks for the tips on the staining. Maybe for my next build in 10 yrs. LOL.. This wood working thing is all new to me. I overall happy with it, and definitely glad I went with the custom stand instead of store bought. Everyone also seems to love the stand when they come over.

from an 1 to 6 in one year!!?? What are you feeding? Steroids.. LOL.

No feathers ruffled. I think a 105 is plenty of room for this guy.

Just to give you some background in this little hippo tang. He's been through hell and back and still here. I would never get rid of him.

I bought him a 2 years ago, he was a little bit bigger than a quarter. Now he's maybe 4 inches. He's been through tank crashes and even survived the the car and train ride from CT. Nothing kills this guy.
Oh wow. 2 years. Perhaps he was the runt of the spawn. Lol. I suppose at 2 years hippos would be considered young adults. I'm sure going through hell probably stunted his growth too.

As far as foods, I only feed frozens and nori. No flakes or pellets. Maybe that's why mine has grown so fast. I also feed 2-3 times daily. I never bought into the suggestions of only feed your fish a few times a week.

Nevertheless, good luck. Hopefully all goes well with this new setup. :)
Tank is looking good! Are you running a controller (Apex or similar) to control the lights? I think I may put two of those on my 105 as well when I set it up.
Tank is looking good! Are you running a controller (Apex or similar) to control the lights? I think I may put two of those on my 105 as well when I set it up.

Check out the pics on the first page. He has a whole automation area in his tank stand. He is using Reefkeeper Elite from what I can see.

This is just one picture.