I guess I would ask what you are planning to put in this sump?
Skimmer? Do you have plenty of room for it? Will you be able to get it in and out?
Return pump only? or will you have other pumps for running other reactors?
Filter sock? sponges? or not?
Does your heater fit somewhere?
Hi Steve...
I wanna keep the sump simple...atleast thats the plan...
The cabinet will have an internal height of 91cm (~36 inches)
Sump height is planned at 40cm (~16 inches)
Talking about the skimmer....i was using a Skimz skimmer external model SM252 in one of my older reef tanks...long story short i dont have a good opinion about it...pump failures twice...overflow from the air take intake silencer thingy....i wouldnt recommend one. But since i have it already i am planning to give one last shot...gonna replace the pumps (i am still waiting on the replacements) I think the pumps Skimz using in the Eco models (Eden) are not upto the mark. To give it credit..when it works it works like a beast...i think its the impeller issues creating an unreliable pump. I have heard Skimz are shipping with modified impellers. Gonna give it a shot installing it internally coz i dont want any overflow issues...i know its a bummer an external skimmer to be installed internally...i am not fully confident on this model. Just my opinion and experience on this..but others may differ.
This skimmer is pretty huge...gonna occupy some sump real estate.
I need to trial check if its gonna go in and come out for maintenance without issues...and modify my sump if needed.
Other things in the sump will be:
Zeo Reactor

Yep its gonna be a Zeo reef...:spin2:
PO4 reactor temporaily for the initial break in period..then take it offline.
Carbon reactor
I am leaning towards the TECO chiller with a built in heater system.
So the pumps in the sump will be:
One for the reactors (temporary)
One for the Zeo reactor.
One for the Chiller.
Return pump.
Initial idea is to run a single filter sock...on the sock holder.
Planning and planning :reading: for this....have a real busy mind these days with all these things
Thanks for asking Steve...i value your opinions and suggestions for me