camel shrimp?


New member
I just bought a camel shrimp from my LFS; actually went there with the idea to buy a cleaner shrimp; which I know actually does clean fish from parasites . But since they didnÃ"šÃ‚´t have any cleaner shrimp the guy there told me that a camel shrimp also cleans fishes just wanted to know if they actually do clean fish??

Re: camel shrimp?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6492911#post6492911 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chelo
I just bought a camel shrimp from my LFS; actually went there with the idea to buy a cleaner shrimp; which I know actually does clean fish from parasites . But since they didnÃ"šÃ‚´t have any cleaner shrimp the guy there told me that a camel shrimp also cleans fishes just wanted to know if they actually do clean fish??


Ive never heard of them doing this. But yes, camel shrimp will eat muchrooms and leathers.
No they don't clean. You might have some luck with yours (like we did for about a year) until it decides one day that it likes brain flesh.