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if i want to turn this hobby into income, how much do i need to open a small reef store ?? im living in bay area in California.:fun5:
Quite a bit of money. Lots of experience. Also, what makes you want to open a store?
because im struggling with my future, i dont know what to do, and im very into this hobby, in stead of being costumer, i want to turn it into a income. i have been going though a lot of things, i haven't feel happy in my life since the past 4 month. i currently having the most difficult time:idea:
Ah, sorry to hear that. How long have you been in the hobby?
More money to be made setting up and keeping up customer tanks. Setting up a store not so much.
There is a huge void in both SF and the East Bay north of Hayward, and west of Concord and Dublin. If you were to open up a shop, I would consider the East Bay since rent in SF would be insane. Oakland had a long time LFS that closed years ago. Albany Aquarium has a saltwater section, but it's not extensive and their prices are ridiculously high for common fish. They just need some guidance and they could increase sales since their freshwater section is one of the best in the Bay Area.
Not to discourage you, but since we have really nice shops in the Bay Area, there is a lot of competition, so you'd need something that would set you apart. Initial start up costs would be a lot as well, since your shop would have to be at the same level as the others. The stock tanks alone would be pricey.
I can list quite a few shops that have come and gone, some that were around for decades, others only a couple of years before calling it quits. And this doesn't include the garage ops (which I'm not a fan of because they cut into legitimate LFS sales).
Have you considered simply working at a shop to see how it runs? Doing so may help to clarify your goals.
How about working for a business with some association to reefkeeping? Neptune Systems is in San Jose as is Reed Mariculture.
For more local input, start a thread here:
Making large life decisions when depressed isn't a wise idea. Speak to a psychiatrist, I doubt they would recommend launching a business to now. My wife is currently severely depressed. You say 4 months, but my wife was un-diagnosed and depressed for much longer. Lots of very expensive mistakes were made. Including ideas to launch a business.
Knowing the hobby and running a business are two very different skill sets. 90% of LFS fail with in two years. If you want to be broke AND depressed, go for it.