Candlelight Acro, let's see em

I'll play along, here is mine, it was a wild aussie piece, sold as selago but I think aculeus. I had some skimmer issues and a phosphate spike, it paled out quite a bit and receded some at the base, but is on the path to recovery. It absolutely glows when happy.

These first two shots are under RB leds



Really awesome shots Jordan. The actual Karls candlelight (mine has no lineage but I think it looks very similar) is more brown in the center with contrasting bright green tips....kinda like candlelight on the tips. It became popular before these all bright green aculeus started coming in from Aussie. So it seems they are the same species just the one from indo is brown center, bright green polyps and tips and the aussie one is solid green. I see the aussie one being called the hulk acro.

JRoovers took a great macro of my my colony last weekend (thanks again). His photography is really impressive.
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The actual Karls candlelight (mine has no lineage but I think it looks very similar) is more brown in the center with contrasting bright green tips....kinda like candlelight on the tips. It became popular before these all bright green aculeus started coming in from Aussie. So it seems they are the same species just the one from indo is brown center, bright green polyps and tips and the aussie one is solid green. I see the aussie one being called the hulk acro.

I didn't know that, that is good info! For some reason, I didn't do more of a close up shot of that one in post - here is one (I've added to your album for you Darryl). Your piece is beautiful, has quite the range of colours, eventually we should trade pieces (assuming mine continues to rebound).
