Wow Conor, just wow :inlove:
The pe on that green milli is crazy!! :eek1:
That sucker is packed Conner:eek1: Looking so good!
Love the perspective from the GoPro [emoji106]
I didn't use any filter or editing, just from the GoPro straight to YouTubeNice GoPro video.
Did you use any filter or just straight up?
That may be the best tank video I have ever seen. Beautiful, mature corals shown in up close detail. It looks like we a getting a diver's view.
^+1 exactly my thoughts while watching, also interested if you are using a filter![]()
Conner, your tank is a masterpiece. It's absolutely stunning. That video gives all the perspective and allows you to see the true scale of your corals. The size and growth patterns are simply amazing.
I just love the massiveness of so many of your corals and yet they still haven't quite grown into each other. The tank doesn't look dense even with the mature colonies.
I really am blown away. This is easily in my top 5 favorite tanks list. Maybe top 3 right now.
Just a fantastic, mind blowing tank!!!!
Wow! That video really shows how impressive this tank is. At one point I thought you got too close to the tort and came close to breaking a branch off, but all was safe. Really incredible job. You've achieved what most of us SPS keepers strive for. I really like the balance and layout. Great reef!
I believe you are referring to my Hawkins Echinata. It's about 10-12 inches right now, one of my favorite coralsOutstanding tank! What is bottom center ... turaki? echinata?
Whatever it is, the growth pattern is really amazing.
That video was really amazing, thanks for sharing such a cool perspective of your reef!
Ooooh myyyyy goooood conor:inlove: :inlove:
Conor, I came across the video posted on YT as it came up on my notification. Honestly buddy you have a drop dead gorgeous tank here. I love it!!!
I mentioned TOTM a few times before...this time I've nominated the tank. And I hope others will agree that your tank has reached such calibre and nominate your tank too.
Awesome work. Well done.![]()
Seriously Conor, your reef craps all over mine and most of my good mates tanks on here too.....
Even though Sahin is a shocking liar when it comes to talking about what's in his own tank he's on the money regarding you having a reef that is very worthy for recognition on RC mate.
And he did it without the use of a magnetic stirrer Sahin......... crazy stuff ! :wavehand:
Yea, I thought I made it out of that situation without problem, but my lokani was looking stressed for a couple days, before it finally RTN'd. That's the first coral I've lost in a long time, and unfortunately it was one of my favorites that I've been growing out for 3 or 4 years. I know I'm lucky though, it could have been far worse.Oh man... That is a nightmare scenario!
Glad it wasn't worse.
Thank you! Yes, I love t5s. I also added a reefbrite a little while ago and I'm very happy with it. It adds some pop to the corals.Oh mine....This tank growth rate on rare corals are amazing. Back to first page of Feb 2015, and then now... Hard to believe T5 can reach this kind grow.
It should be textbook material. You definitely win my vote for TOTM.
Thanks, I definitely got lucky. I ended up losing 1 coral, but like you said it could have been much worse!It could have been much worse conor and i'm glad it didn't!
Thanks so much, I feel the same about your tank!Beautiful the fish selection as well.
Thank you! The tank is doing well, always some ups and downs with it, but it's still growing.Hope everything is doing well. Such a beautiful display with a lot of maturation.
You have one of the very best FTS that I have ever seen. The layout and color contrast are great. I think this is my favorite stage of reef tank development. You have the mature coral, filled out reef look; but have not got the old tank syndrome look. Congrats! That is a tank you can feel proud of every time you look at it. It is definitely in peak form and presentation.
man this tank,those colonies...pure :inlove::inlove:
You have one of the very best FTS that I have ever seen. The layout and color contrast are great. I think this is my favorite stage of reef tank development. You have the mature coral, filled out reef look; but have not got the old tank syndrome look. Congrats! That is a tank you can feel proud of every time you look at it. It is definitely in peak form and presentation.
Couldn't agree more.
Too bad about the lokani!
Seriously glad it wasn't worse.
Masterful reef, Connor!
Loving the reef Connor we need more pics
man this tank,those colonies...pure :inlove::inlove:
Have fun at MACNA Conor, I will have to live vicariously through all of you who get to go.![]()
Come on conor,don't leave us hanging...details about the shape pleaaase:rollface::rollface:
Uh huh. +1!