New member
That's very nice of you to say, thank you! I love the look of a mature slimer in a reef tank. Although it's very common, I think they are stunning when grown out. I am running out of room but I'm always looking for a way to add just one more frag. :deadhorse1:Love the FTS, every time I see an update on this thread I can't wait to open it! One of the best tanks on here, I think what sets it apart is the centerpiece. I tried to mimic with my Slimer, but the tort is so much better! Wish I could find a piece down here. You're running out of room in the lower left :eek1:, nice problem to have :beer:
Wow! thanks so much for reading through my journal. My cali tort is probably my favorite piece I have. I really like the shape it's taken. I'm sure your gomezi will get there with time. I've been growing and fragging my tort for a number of years now.It is 01.44 am here in the UK. I have just finished reading your entire tank thread. It took me a good few hours to absorb all the information. You have a very impressive set up. Congratulations. Despite the recent set back on the fish front, you kept going. I salute you.
I love the blue acropora in the middle. I hope my gomezi will grow as big as your one day.
Oh cool, I'll have to take a look at yours. I was also told the stag in the back right of my tank is an exquisita and it looks nothing like my green one so I'm a bit confused on what they are. Both were bought as small cheap frags so I couldn't really tell how they would grow out.Conor, that is what I thought it was, I have a piece of exquistor that I featured recently in my journal. That colony is HUGE! Really cool coral indeedThanks for the reply.