

New member
Thinking of add a few chromis on Monday, how many should I aim for? Lfs sells them 3 for £18, was thinking about 6 to make a nice small shoal? What's the minimum you would advise? My tank is 80g as below:

300l (80g) tank

36 kg crushed coral and aragonite substrate*
40kg live rock
Deltec mce600 skimmer
1000lph filter pump
Filter floss*
1 2800 lph pump,( hydor koralia 3200)
1x hydor koralia 1600 pump

1 algae blenny*
1 kole tang
1 Royal gramma
1 adorned wrasse*

1 strawberry conch*
3 nassarius snails*
6 small red legged hermits
1 Mexican turbo snail
1 tuxedo urchin
1 tube anemone*

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I will
Not get them anymore because they can be aggressive and quite disruptive if your community is happy. Price is appealing but I just don't think it's worth the chance.

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I will
Not get them anymore because they can be aggressive and quite disruptive if your community is happy. Price is appealing but I just don't think it's worth the chance.

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Thanks, didnt know they could be aggressive. Not mentioned on liveaquaria. Lol

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Ignore me!!! I was thinking of the Damsels I had. Chromis were fine, I just couldn't keep them alive. I've heard they are hit or miss.

Or my damsels stressed them to death.

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They fight amongst themselves to form a hierarchy. Often results in death of “weaker” ones. I had 15 in my 240 gallon and they whittled themselves down to 2. I have heard feeding more frequently will subdue the aggression but I feed 5 times a day so I don’t know how true that is.

if u want 6, but 8 as 1-2 will die within the first month. i currently have 5 after starting with 7 about 1 year ago. having healthy chromis to begin with helps.
They fight amongst themselves to form a hierarchy. Often results in death of "œweaker" ones. I had 15 in my 240 gallon and they whittled themselves down to 2. I have heard feeding more frequently will subdue the aggression but I feed 5 times a day so I don't know how true that is.

I have 2 blue-green chromis for last 2 years, never seen any form of aggression

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I have 2 blue-green chromis for last 2 years, never seen any form of aggression

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Yes that is correct. They can manage in a duo.
I have 2 as well for a few years now, but I started with 15 or so on a number of occasions.

Most all come in with urenoma and will need to be treated in a QT tank with chloroquine phosphate. Like mentioned above they will fish and slowly pick each other off until you’re left with a few. I had 30 and when I got rid of them there were 7 left