Clowning Around


Reefing On My Mind
Team RC
My SA Fancy Whites buried in my Purple Magnifica... :)

The Fancy Whites are far and away my favorite. Mine are gorgeous. They have the same mismatched bar pattern too. I have been thinking about getting an anemone for them.

What kinds of anemones do they host? I know it's not all anemones.
Magnificas and Giganteas are natural hosts... Some will go to H. Crispa... BTA's as you know are hit and miss... Mostly miss... ;)
Don't feed it and it won't grow fast. You can be like most tang owners and upgrade as needed. ;)
I don't want to run a tank that way.

Not feeding it, I can handle that! I hate feeding. Jake and Rob are constantly harping on me about it.
I actually like feeding my anemones... I think I'm going to move my purple footed Mag though. Doesn't play well with my all purple one... :(