Collection Trip - Ft. Desoto Sunday October 9th

i wanna go but i'm gonna be in Chicago for a family wedding that weekend :( good luck all and if you catch an over abundance of nessarius snails, lmk and i'll trade a frag for some :)

Good luck and have fun!

Nelson, sorry you have to miss it. We have to go to the beach side for nassarius snails and Lee is the best for that. Unfortunately he is not going either. Maybe a group of us can make it over sometime during the day.
we'd like to attend x3, prior members but think my membership expired.

What time do people generally get there?


Jeff, you can always renew! Russ and I get there about 8:30 to set up and get the tables we need. Everyone usually shows up between 9-11.
Wow, we are going to have a great turnout this year!
Do you have to treat the wild caught or just quarantine for a period of time? How are they safely added to tanks? Sorry Im new to this.
We usually collect white leg hermits, seahorses, pipefish, starfish, gobies, and on the beach side, nassarius snails. I cannot speak for other people but I usually add nassarius straight into my reef. I do not keep any white legs but think that people do the same. As far as fish, pipes, and ponies, I would keep a separate wild tank for just them. I never mix them with my captive bred seahorses and pipefish. Maybe somebody will chime in on their quarantine practices with their wild collection.
Do you have to treat the wild caught or just quarantine for a period of time? How are they safely added to tanks? Sorry Im new to this.

I have a seperate tank for them (50g macro). Although, I do add nassaruis, cerith snails and white leg hermits to my main tank (the white legs that don't get bigger than a dime, not the huge ones). I have added pipefish and grunt to the main tank before without quaruntine as well. I can't say i've seen any problems..

I usually check the fish before I put them into any tank. How healthy do they look? are they swimming well/desperate to get into a tank? Do they respond to me trying to catch them? Do they eat?

If they don't add up to all this than I def. take a second look at them and decide if theyre worth putting in.

Sue, I have never gone collecting at Ft. De Soto but I usually have better luck finding nass. on the grassflat side where I go. Is it different here?