converting 7400/2 to a 6100 Stream


Active member
Hey Roger,

1. Is this conversion possible and if so which parts would I need. Also could you provide me with the retail price so I won't have sticker shock.

2. What is the difference in flow that people are experiencing when replacing a Stream 6100's output housing a 6200 housing.

3. what is the part # for the 6200 housing.

4. Are you aware that the contact phone # is wrong. The older woman who answers is really irritated that she keeps getting calls.:)

Thanks in advance
Yes, the phone number is wrong depending on how you get to it. It is corrected if you go one way through the site but wrong from other entrances. The website is run in Germany and I really can't do much about it, I have already asked and it was partially corrected.

The 6200.13 suction housing makes a wider flow that is more diffuse but flow in gph would be about the same.

Provided the pump is not from before spring 2003 conversion costs about $100. If it was built before than it could have relaibility issues and conversion will cost almost $200 so it is not worth while. You have to change the driver as old drivers were individually tuned for the pump. Conversion from anything before winter of 2000 is impossible.

7240 is a part and not a pump. The pump is a 7400/2 if it has a 19V transformer.
Roger, Thanks for the reply. How cn I tell when the pump was manufactured? I bought it used. Also what are the part #s for the $100 mod. Also I have a Stream 6080 and are any of the parts interchangeable?
All the parts are interchangable if it is from the correct date. A 6080 has a smaller prop otherwise it is the same. The date is stamped on the plastic behind the label, it is actually melted into the plastic. It is 3 digits read as series, quarter, year.

The parts are

6080.13 intake screen
6100.12 prop
6100.23 hinge post
6100.40 swivel arm
6080.60 drive unit
Is there any plans for a longer swivel arm enabling more flexability when mounted on the magnets? If so what is that part #.
the part number is 6080.40 and they are around $3.65 each from premium aquatics. you have to get on the waiting list i think.
I have a set of 6100 streams that the arm on the top is slowly eating into the back plastic of the pump. Would this longer swivel arm stop this ? Before it messes the back of my streams up ?
Hmm, I have never seen that before. The arm is supposedly identical except for the angle on the end so I don't think it would. Do you have pictures?