Cool Fish on Diver's Den

Cute little guy.....

Can someone tell me when the price of CB Clarions jumped to almost 8k?

I guess when someone bought the first one immediately for that. The second day for sale for a while though. Definitely crazy. They even put the second one on sale a few days after the initial offering for I think $5500. Still didn't sell and then they raised the price back.
I don’t see a problem with them having some common stuff on DD. They still always have at least a couple harder to find, or delicate species on the DD updates.Not everyone wants to buy fish that are expensive. It at least seems like the common stuff is mostly reasonably priced.
Good catch. I think there were just careless mistake on the part of the photographer (or poster, I assume to be the same person)
I don't see a problem with them having some common stuff on DD. They still always have at least a couple harder to find, or delicate species on the DD updates.Not everyone wants to buy fish that are expensive. It at least seems like the common stuff is mostly reasonably priced.
Agree. Especially with discount, sometime the price is very reasonable.
Good catch. I think there were just careless mistake on the part of the photographer (or poster, I assume to be the same person)

I agree that it was most likely a glitch and not intentional.

It stood out because male and female of this species generally have clearly different colored bands (S. nematodes is similar, but the color difference is far less pronounced).




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