Cool Fish on Diver's Den

Anyone got a current discount code?

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I believe that they have stopped the codes they send out with shipments and instead run a sale about once every other week or so. The last code I got with a shipment has been months ago at this point
There were lots of really cool wrasse available... The prices have seemed to have gone up on some things a lot

Yea the Hawaii ban is really affecting prices now. It is not just the fish from there but others because it has put more pressure on other fish.

It has also seen allot more fish in not as good of condition come in it seems.
No way this is actually a Calloplesiops argus:


Someone paid a premium for a regular Calloplesiops altivelis...

Fine Spotted Marine Betta (Calloplesiops argus) Item: 0429191263

This is how a Calloplesiops argus looks like:


The key feature that distinguishes C. argus from C. altivelis is that the dots in the fins merge into blue lines at adults.

Short Take: Comet Quandry! (By Scott Michael)


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The Tiger angelfish has been on the site for a week... despite the price I'm kind of surprised it hasn't been purchased yet.
Occasionally, I see the fine spot MB for sale at DD, and they do have fine spots not like this particular one. Are they true C. argus?
As far as I know, and I have keep small C. altivelis from very young to adult, they do not have fine spots phase.
The Tiger angelfish has been on the site for a week... despite the price I'm kind of surprised it hasn't been purchased yet.

Yea. Maybe people know that they can be found for half the price.

I like the "œpair" of mandarin gobies that they sold yesterday for over $100. Crazy to me.
Occasionally, I see the fine spot MB for sale at DD, and they do have fine spots not like this particular one. Are they true C. argus?
As far as I know, and I have keep small C. altivelis from very young to adult, they do not have fine spots phase.
DD had true C. argus before. And given that C. argus isn't just looking different in coloration but also gets significantly larger, has a somewhat different body shape (more "pointed" head/snout even with males), and on top of that a significantly smaller distribution range, it's certainly a good species and not just a synonym.
The whole "fine-spotted" adult phase is utter nonsense and made up by people who never kept a C. altivelis over a significant amount of time.

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Wow that's pretty bad. Seems fraudulent. I would think they could (and should) get in legal trouble for that. Not sure who you would report that to.

Are they still doing monthly coupon codes? Anyone have a LA code active right now?

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Im pretty sure they've been doing that for a while now.

I always made sure to screenshot my purchases also, bc the pics are never included on your "past purchase" history or email confirmation.

One time I had to demand they resent me the wysiwyg pics bc I swear my shipment looked diff.
Pretty crazy DD update. peppermint angel, feminus wrasse, Pitcairn angel, maze angel, and a few other pretty cool fish.