Cool Fish on Diver's Den

What wrasse with this? It was the thumbnail for today's fish. It must have sold.

5 Blue Spot Jawfish on there tonight for $300 each... I haven't seen them in a few years but is that price outrageous for anyone else? I used to sell those a few years ago for $100-$120.
5 Blue Spot Jawfish on there tonight for $300 each... I haven't seen them in a few years but is that price outrageous for anyone else? I used to sell those a few years ago for $100-$120.

Indeed, I remember seeing them for $100 a few years ago as well. Something must have happened that resulted in an increase of price by this much. Any thoughts?
Indeed, I remember seeing them for $100 a few years ago as well. Something must have happened that resulted in an increase of price by this much. Any thoughts?

I haven't seen any in awhile but I was largely out of the hobby for the last year and half until recently... But to double or triple in price after a short period of time is a lot... I know locally Flame Hawks went from like $50 to $100 for maybe a year and then settled around $70-$80 now. Maybe something happened to the supply for a bit and they will drop a little in the next few months.
Between yesterday and today they put up 7 and they have only sold one as of now... Maybe they will drop the price a little in a few days if they still aren't selling.
5 Blue Spot Jawfish on there tonight for $300 each... I haven't seen them in a few years but is that price outrageous for anyone else? I used to sell those a few years ago for $100-$120.

Agreed, $300 is outrageous.
I got my 3 new ones locally for $125 each this year. I consider that a fair price.

Oh, and DD still has the Gramma dejongi (IMO those two are male and female) and the interruptus angel pair. It's been nearly 2 months now that they listed them and it doesn't look like they are able to move them anytime soon. They also had to slash the price of that Indonesian Regal Angel as no one seems to want it with the restricted warranty. Before that restriction, it would have sold already. Let's see how long the new rules last. I could imagine that they are already having an effect on sales.
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Yeah, but how 'bout those dirt-cheap Gem tangs? You can get one for like $550 now with a coupon. Those were $3,000 a few years ago!
Yeah, but how 'bout those dirt-cheap Gem tangs? You can get one for like $550 now with a coupon. Those were $3,000 a few years ago!
That isn't really a price drop but rather a market adjustment due to the fact that they come in now so regular and in such numbers that it's no longer possible to use the "it's a rare fish" argument to justify a ridiculously high price. The price went down on those everywhere.

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Agreed, $300 is outrageous.
I got my 3 new ones locally for $125 each this year. I consider that a fair price.

Regular LA/non DD has their (out of stock) BSJ as $170 and $180. Still high, but still not $300. If they were maybe $150 or so I would get one but definitely not at $300
Pump shorted out and killed the power in my tanks when I was on vacation and I lost everything, most of which was acquired on DD. Browsing divers den now, and I can’t help but laugh at the even more outrageous pricing, which is also now paired with a “box charge.” You’ve got to be kidding.
I was about to check out both of the Rooster Waspfish on DD tonight and someone else bought both of them because I took the time to look at everything else. Should've just got them right away. :rollface: Hopefully they will have more over the next few days.


I was about to check out both of the Rooster Waspfish on DD tonight and someone else bought both of them because I took the time to look at everything else. Should've just got them right away. :rollface: Hopefully they will have more over the next few days.



Yea. Gotta be quick on stuff that doesn't show up that often. If you order they will let you add on if you find more things if you call them. At least they always used to. With the way that company seems to be going who knows anymore. Thanks
I remember when Petco bought DFS, LA representatives were quoted saying everything was "œbusiness as usual". That lasted a couple of years and doesn't seem to be the case anymore. I wish them well because no other company does what DD does on the same scale.
And yeah what's up with that box charge. I had only seen that on whole saler to retailer level where they actually also charge for heat/cold packs. Hopefully that doesn't spill over to the consumer side.
All the injury should heal without problem. I am not sure how he will turn out once he is finish transforming. Maybe nice, maybe not.

The face of the Blue Face is cool but the body of the Majestic is better IMO. Could turn out to be a cool fish or a dud in the look department.
I can only find one old picture of a Blueface x Majestic hybrid online but I can't link it because its on another site...

Could be a really pretty fish. These hybrids have been on sale a few times over the years so there should be some picture but I couldn't find any.