Copperband butterfly

Thanks, now my next problem is this fish is dead in this cave thati cant get to remove from the tank, hope these cuc take care of him quick
Harry, purple tangs are easy. Are they too aggressive or did they die?

I think my tangs snubbed the PT, ate all the food, and overall alienated the PT's :(

Maybe my next build I'll buy one, if they release the strangle hold on the sales of PT's. I hear they restricting PT sales that's why the price is way up

I am not sure why the prices have shot up but I know all of the fish from the Red Sea area are supposed to be net caught. It's not just the PT it's any fish that comes from that area. Sohal's, Desjardin's Sailfin Tang and Masked Butterfly's (Chaetodon semilarvatus) are always expensive. :reading:

They do seem to acclimate and hold up better than fish from other area's of the world.

I think my tangs snubbed the PT, ate all the food, and overall alienated the PT's :(

Maybe my next build I'll buy one, if they release the strangle hold on the sales of PT's. I hear they restricting PT sales that's why the price is way up