Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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This is what appears to be a feeding thread protruding from one of Peter's leather corals. I'd never seen this behavior, but Peter said he's seen it more than once. It appeared after the pumps had been off for awhile. I got two shots of this before a fish swam through and the thread was retracted. Truly fascinating behavior. Please ignore the debris in the water.

glparr said:
This is what appears to be a feeding thread protruding from one of Peter's leather corals.
Is it possible that this is from something, a worm or barnacle, hiding beneath the edge of the leather coral?

I had my doubts that this was from the leather as this would be completely out of character for a coral. I have learned from another source that this thread is from a sessile ctenophore commonly found on the underside of leather colonies. I'm told they look like a large flatworm and some have placed them in the genus Coeloplana.
I had my doubts that this was from the leather as this would be completely out of character for a coral. I have learned from another source that this thread is from a sessile ctenophore commonly found on the underside of leather colonies. I'm told they look like a large flatworm and some have placed them in the genus Coeloplana.

100% correct! what an incredible photographer you are Gary is it your profession what kind of camera do you use?
Stunning photos Gary!
Peter we are lucky to have your presence here on this board, as this thread has truly become a showcase of talent for a conglomerate of masters in our hobby.
Here are some more shots from Peter's reef.

Trikentrion flabelliforme

Torch coral area of reef

Scene from corner area

Favite, can you find the food pellet?

Seriatopora sp.
Thanks for all of the kind words. Glad people are enjoying the photos. Here are a few more.

Pseudocheilinus hexataenia

Centropyge bicolor

Amblyeleotris randalli

Aeoliscus strigatus

That is one fat sixline. Beautiful pictures, wish I could do that.
If there is a better shot of the spider sponge I haven't seen it. Gary words can't express how much we appreciate your efforts on this tank. You really have raised the bar for most of us. Even I find myself checking the thread more frequently on the hope that another photo will appear and I KNOW I am NOT alone! ! !

I've been away for far too many months. However this is the first site I went to and am glad I did. One could stay on this site alone and be informed
If there is a better shot of the spider sponge I haven't seen it. Gary words can't express how much we appreciate your efforts on this tank. You really have raised the bar for most of us. Even I find myself checking the thread more frequently on the hope that another photo will appear and I KNOW I am NOT alone! ! !


Thanks for the kind words. It was great fun photographing your animals. More photos to come.
Three more fish photos from Peter's tank.

Anthias ventralis (male)

Anthias ventralis (male)

Gang of Four
Gary, since you are taking a bit of time to post these images I am guessing that you might be doing a bit of additional processing to the originals. Would you please tell us what it is you do to enhance your images so well?

(I am really hoping you caught the fathead anthias ;) )

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