Coral Tank from Canada (1350gal Display Tank)

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Dave, I fear I'm going to disappoint you. The timing of the posts has been a function of available time. I shot these the day before I had to attend a major trade show. By the time I got done with each day and got to the hotel room, I was exhausted and only had enough energy to do a handful of images. I also recorded a Reef Threads podcast Thursday night and that took most of the evening. I've been traveling almost every week for the past six weeks and have much other paying job work to do. In other words, the speed at which I'm posting is determined by when I have play time.

As for processing the images, I don't do much at all. They're basically what comes out of the camera. I don't care much for doing Photoshop work, so if an image takes more than a few minutes to process and post, I'll usually delete it. In other words, if I can't get it right in the camera, I usually don't want it.

All of my images are shot in the RAW format. The process is: correct the white balance (not necessary with fish photos because I use flash for them), set the white and black points, make a minor curves adjustment or two, adjust shadows and highlights to even out the light distribution, size the image, save as a jpg, sharpen (all RAW files require some sharpening), and post. On a clean image, the process takes about 2 minutes. On some of these I've spent much more time cloning out debris and air bubbles than I have processing the image.

Sorry I can't give you some magical formula for post-processing. It really does all happen in the camera.

Gary, nothing for you to apologize for. You have already given the clearest explanation anyone could ask for, i.e. look no further than the initial image. Thanks for your answer.

No pressure on the other images. Whenever you have time is good enough.

Thx again,

Well I just finished reading all 313 pages of this build. It looks like it was quite the journey for you, Peter. I definitely picked up alot of information and some ideas for my next build.

wow i just spent all day reading this Thread what an amazing Job. I live in MTL and although I am a HABS fan Id love to see your tank in person one day :)
This is what appears to be a feeding thread protruding from one of Peter's leather corals. I'd never seen this behavior, but Peter said he's seen it more than once. It appeared after the pumps had been off for awhile. I got two shots of this before a fish swam through and the thread was retracted. Truly fascinating behavior. Please ignore the debris in the water.


this type of weirdness is the tell-tale sign how closely peter's system is matching the mother nature...truly spectacular...:fish1:
Mr. Wilson, I know you guys are jumping in to LED but I am starting to hear a lot of buzz about plasma again. The owner of Cherry corals posted a wild you-tube video of a plasma unit he is beta testing: The light looks more than decent as does the proported spectra. I thougth those lights were supposed to be very yellow looking or very hot or something that made them a bad fit for aquaria

what are your thoughts on those lights??
It is now well over a month since MACNA and no word of any changes or upgrades. Can you give us an update on what has been happening with the system?


It is now well over a month since MACNA and no word of any changes or upgrades. Can you give us an update on what has been happening with the system?



Actually Dave I have been afraid to start to do an update because it would be very very lengthy and at the speed that I type we could be here for weeks. Then I will get inundated with requests for pictures which I need to take yet and then there will be a zillion requests for technical questions that only Mr. Wilson and Steve (The Coral Farmer,as he describes himself) can answer properly.

I have been extremely fortunate, because of the community on this thread to meet some phenomenal talent that have and are continuing to contribute to this build. Mr. Wilson as you all know is probably the dominant positive architect of this entire ecosystem. Steve Noakes who has recently joined the team has brought 18 years of coral farming experience to the project. If there is a second major milestone on this project it would be the day he started. Focusing on overall water quality standards he has brought all the parameters in line and wow has it ever made a difference. I can't believe the growth rate and colour improvements over past experience.

I suspect that the tank itself is just turning a corner with about a year since we first put in water with the live rock. However with all the systems and adjustments we have not focused on the health and welfare of the corals the way we have since I returned from MACNA. I cannot express in words just how phenomenal the impacts of Steve's presence has been. With Mr. Wilson continuing to make improvements to the physical infrastructure, this build is finally starting to hit its stride with respect to a healthy evolution. I know most of the members of this thread are way ahead of me in experience but I was blown over with just how complete a transition a coral can make in a short period of time. For a while I started to believe that all coral was brown with an occasional discoloured aberration but apparently not so folks......far from it in fact. Frags that I had purchased presenting a particular colour have completely changed and the range of colours within the same colony can be very dramatic.

All of this is new to me and I have to admit with almost 50 feet of reefscape(not to mention about 20 feet of interior rockscape in the canyon interior) I am very excited about how incredible this tapestry is going to look in time.

Mr. Wilson has informed me that our new Orphek lights to completely replace the Metal Halides should be here by months end. These lights are special but I will let Mr. Wilson break the news on our new configuration. Steve has noted that his experience working on this tank has convinced him that he can switch over to LED's in his own coral farm without having any compromise. In fact he believes that he can improve on the results considerably.

We have also brought in a small order of fish that I am very excited about. The fish arrived from overseas very healthy and packed well. I got another ten shrimp fish because they do so well in my tank environment and they are consistently the "OH WoW, What are those fish?" observation from just about every person who tours the tank. I got three Moorish idols that are fat plump and eating well as they wait in the hospital tank for four weeks before transitioning to the display tank.

There is also three butterfly fish (Here I need Mr. Wilson's help on the genus). They are neat! We also got a few fish that will remain in the mars bars for fish room tours like another box fish, a grouper, and some very neat pipe fish which may or may not make it to the display due to their size(they are very small). We go a dozen Garden eels and I hope we can move them into the display but I think we need an area of deeper substrate to work well and I'm pretty sure that wherever we put this mound will be where the eels won't go. We will see in time if its possible because they are really neat.

The mangrove trees are really taking off. They do loved the plasma lights and unfortunately so too does all the annoying macro algae as well not withstanding cyno bacteria. The environment for growing the Mangrove trees in the hydroponic raceways(Mr. Wilson's proprietary design) is working wonders for the health and growth. Since the Cardinals are still producing fry in the display tank we think we will start to put them in the Mangrove raceways and let them breed in a great environment. Healthy results all around I think.

We have made some changes in the salt after the discussions here and the feedback that many of you provided. I will let Mr. Wilson discuss where we are on that issue. Mr. Wilson has brought the Shuran Calc reactor on line and we are testing its effectiveness on the 1500 gal display tank system. We are not sure it will be of sufficient size so Mr. Wilson has ordered a new bigger model from a different manufacturer. Again Mr. Wilson can probably answer questions on where and why he sourced the new one.

We have been working with some temperature challenges in the fish room. I have had an HVAC expert in to make some improvements but we are working diligently to stabilize temps in the fish room while we wait for the new system changes to be made. Our target is a stable and steady 27 Celsius with no special heating or cooling measures necessary in both winter and summer.

Mr. Wilson also got in the new Abyzz pump that will be feeding the RK2 Skimmer with the modified impeller. Hopefully this works as I have huge praise for this pump and would like to be totally reliant on Abyzz pumps for ALL the systems supporting this build.

There's more but I am running out of steam and I want to have enough energy left to offer written excuses for no pictures when you all start asking for them.

How's that dave?

nineball said:
How's that dave?
Oh, well, you know, I suppose it will have to do.

It's freaking spectacular, as you well know, Peter. :) Can't wait to see the increased colouration in the corals you describe. With your newfound camera skills I'm sure we are all in for a real treat. Well worth the wait! :thumbsup:

Oh, well, you know, I suppose it will have to do.

It's freaking spectacular, as you well know, Peter. :) Can't wait to see the increased colouration in the corals you describe. With your newfound camera skills I'm sure we are all in for a real treat. Well worth the wait! :thumbsup:


+1. Well said Dave. Thanks Peter
Great news Peter.

I am waiting eagerly for new updates.
I really admire your enthusiasm and no-cost-spared approach to this project regarding the equipment and support team.

I hope Shawn and Steve will give us a good long technical read. Of course with photos :P


A suggestion: when your taking the new update photos please try and take a few simular in area and corals to ones you have on your website. That way it will better show the difference in coral development and colorations. Dave can post a before/after update to the site and as you know a picture is worth a thousand words and that should save you some time as well as answer several questions.
Just thought I would share with the community the results of what the $500 prize for the Name The Fish contest was able to get me. Everything was purchased from Reef Central sponsor TBAquatics.

1.25 lbs Smart Reef +DI (Nuclear Grade Color Changing DI Resin)

KX Matrixx +1 Carbon Block Filter 0.6 micron

75 GPD Dow Filmtec RO Membrane

Hanna Instruments Checker Phosphate Reagants 25 tests

Hanna Instruments Checker Alkalinity Reagants 25 tests

Hanna Instruments Checker Marine Calcium Reagants 25 tests

Neptune Systems Energy Bar 8

Neptune Systems Lunar Sim with 2 LEDs

Eheim Everyday Automatic Fish Feeder

Ecotech Marine Coral Glue 75ml

PO4x4 Phosphate Remover 500ml

PO4x4 Regeneration Buffer

Reef Pearls coral food

2 x 1 Gallon Jug with Cap

1/4" Quick Connect Ball Valve

Hayward Double True Union Ball Valve 1.5"

Thanks again Peter, for making this journey more than just a forum thread and more like a family adventure. Can't wait to see pics of the new updates.


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