Coral Wars!!!!

Right after I made the previous post, i checked my tank. A ricordea got loose and fell on top of the fungia.

Ricordea vs. Fungia Winner: Ricordea
Yellow Polyps vs. Yellow Leather=Yellow Polyps ?? Would YP's sting a leather?

Galaxia vs. Green Open Brain = Galaxia w/5" sweepers is winning.
Green Moon (Favites sp.)vs. Xenia = Green Moon stopping the spreed of the 'weed' that is known as Xenia!
coral war

coral war

I thought this might get a few laughs:D I was at work diving in our coral exhibit and I slipped and fell into a large Hydnophora exesa. The coral won and left me swollen and scarred. The pic is taken 3 days after the incident


I was also removing some aptasia by shooting them up with calcium chloride and then scrubbing them off the rock. When I scrubbed them off the rock the current in the tank blew them all over my neck and head:mad2: here are the remaining stings
softies battle

softies battle

pic 1 yellow polyps (Parazoanthus sp.) VS. green zooanthids (Zoanthus sp.) stale mate sort of. The yellow polyps dominate but somehow the zoos survive under neath them. The zoos don't really spread but the yellow polyps multiply like bamboo shark:D pic 2 of the zoos underneath
Parazoanthus vs Zoanthus vs Discosoma vs Pachyclavularia vs Hydnophora

Parazoanthus vs Zoanthus vs Discosoma vs Pachyclavularia vs Hydnophora

I have had this rock for about 3 yrs. the battle has been back and forth with no real winner. the shroom covers the zoos for a while then it receeds. the zoos haven't really spread over the rock as much as the green star polyps has and the yellow polyps have increased their territory. The zoos, stars and yellow polyps seem to cohabitate. The hydronphora grew until it reached the yellow polyps and they both look like they have set up borders next to each other, neither making a move for the kill:D :D
Blue-polyp Montipora Digitata vs. Turbinaria Reniformis

and the winner is...

neither. They don't appear to sting eachother. The digitata has grown into the turbinaria and neither one seems to be affected. *shrug*
I could, but it wouldn't look like much. Its just the tips of the digi branches that are touching the turbinaria. I'm gonna let it go and see what happens. At this point, I think the turbinaria is completely trapped in the corner of the tank anyway.
Short Tentacle Plate > Green Mushroom
Ricordia > Green Mushroom
Green Star Polyps > Zooanthids
Blue Sponge > Acro Millepora
Bubble > Alveopora
Frogspawn > Xenia
Orange monti cap vs tan monti cap - orange cap

Orance monti cap vs. green acro - tie (both die back at engagement zone)

xenia vs. ricordia - ricordia

acropora vs. ricordia - ricordia

tan monti cap vs. seriatopora - tan cap

green monti cap vs. open brain - open brain

finger gorgonian vs. orange monti cap - monti cap

purple acro vs. snail - purple acro

fungia vs. any sps - fungia

xenia vs. acropora - xenia

green monti cap vs. maxima clam - maxima clam

damselfish vs. open brain - damsel

oldie but a goodie - I've got a few new ones (for me)

Florida Ricordea vs. Montipora Digitata - tie...

And here's the wierd thing:

YUMA Ricordea vs. the same montipora Digitata - YUMA wins easily...

Bubble vs. Frogspawn - Bubble is still dominating..

Tulip anemone vs. Montipora Cap - Tulip Anemone
Palythoas vs. zoanthids....Palythoas..they are overgrowing them

frogspawn vs.yellow polyps....frogspawn....placed frogspawn in the polyps path to control them and now they are growing the other way

green star polyps vs. anything in my tank...gsps....they find a way to grow everywhere!

Xenia vs. myself....Xenia(so far) finds a way to keep creeping everywhere I don't want it too.I now have it growing up the back glass instead of across the rockwork
What a sight to come home to...

What a sight to come home to...

Echinopora lamellosa vs. Open Brain Coral = Brain kicked it's ***....

Came home from work and checked on the tank, only to find my piece of Tyree's Blue Chalice had somehow ended up on top of one corner of my brain... Peeled it off, there was a mass of messenterial filaments, and the section of the Echinopora was completely brown and covered in a slimy coat. Put it in an area of high flow, and that section is completely dead now. Rest of the coral seems OK, won't know for sure until later today, but.. Ouch. Brain definitely won that one - he's none the worse for wear.

- Mac
I've got an impending battle but may move a piece to prevent it.

Any guesses on
Pink Stylophora vs. LT powder blue A. Millepora?
Yeah, Mille. The Stylo's I have are all pretty wussy, and regularly get their butt kicked by corraline algae, never mind an Acropora. ;)

- Mac