Coralife Calcium Reactor


New member
Does anyone have or seen the new Coralife calcium reactor, manufacture link ?
I was just wandering what kind of reviews it was getting. I was going to build my own but for $130 ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 250gal model or $160 ââ"šÂ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å“ 500gal model; it might be worth it to buy one of these. The unique thing about these is the use of only one pump. It feeds water to the reactor and also circulates the effluent. Please give me your feed back.
Not a big fan. Very poor construction. I Wouldn't recomend. Your better off saving for a quality piece of equipment or doing the DIY route.

I have taken note on how the Coralife Calcium Reactor can be set to draw water from the tank itself, and then put water right back in. Can other better reactors be setup like this, if so, any one have photos?

I am really at a loss here on how to set one up like that as my tank does not have a sump.

Would I need a 2nd pump to "Push" water back up to the tank?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6928834#post6928834 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by GACDIVER
Not a big fan. Very poor construction. I Wouldn't recomend. Your better off saving for a quality piece of equipment or doing the DIY route.


Did you have one and get rid of it? :rolleyes:

I'm very happy with mine .

I was also considering one of these for a 54g setup and would like to here opinions from others who have used this product.
Ironically I was considering one for a 65 gallon but I guess there are not too many fans - I gues its back to buying used or continuing with 2 part Bionic
Very happy with mine. Who cares if it isn't built out of cast this and that. I don't plan on playing football with it.
I just bought one and hooked it up, very simple setup and nice design. I have owned other commerical versions and have built 2 of my own, its a nice design with descent construction, I've had no problems.

I agree with Bryan, I don't plan on playing football with it.

Xstrangx do you have one and not like it?
I am using a pacific imports gen-x regulator, with a 5lb bottle of co2, the reactor has it's own bubble counter on it.

Swabby1214, yeah so far...
I'm thinking aobut the coralife as well. I'mnto seeing anything really great about them or really bad about them. Kind of hard to decide now...