Couple of pictures from the Canon 40D


New member
Received the camera today and couldn't resist snapping a couple of pictures. I didn't have time to look for the macro lens so I took the pictures with the 70-200mm f/4 IS lens with flash. All the pictures were taken in auto mode and handheld. The glass was kinda dirty so some of the pictures weren't focus correctly. Will take more pictures over the weekend and learn all the various function of this camera. My take on this camera is very good especially AF (tracking) while following the fish movement and very solid/comfortable feel holding the camera. I have a long way to go on learning this hobby and I still remember Blazer88 (thank you again) was giving me tips on resizing photo a year ago.

I'm in the learning stage and would love to hear your thoughts.





Very nice photos!

Looks like the new Canon computer defaults to fast exposures with little depth-of-field, though, just like my 20D. But, you're taking fish pictures from a side-on view and don't need a whole lot of depth-of-field for that. I'd suggest that you start playing with aperture-priority mode, though.

I have to admit, I've been lusting after that camera body lately. Congratulations! Please post more photos!
Thanks for the kind words and will definately spend more time this weekend and holidays to shoot some macros. I'll post more pictures with other settings as suggested but I must clean the glass first to get better focus.
Couple of pictures with the 100mm macro

Couple of pictures with the 100mm macro

I'll have to play with other settings this weekend.



