Couple Sept pics before I go away for a week for work...


Active member
Well thought I'd post some shots. I had to flip the lights on because I got home so late. I'll be leaving for work Sat to Houston for a week so let's just hope my wife handles the tank well.

Excuse the poor pictures and the couple frags cluttered up front.




wow your tank is awesome...what size are those seios?
Im sure your tank is in good hands and I hope for nice growth
Right now they are only a 1500 and 1100 and while the flow is adequate, I feel like I need to add some more. I'm waiting on the Vortech's to stabilize in their minor issues and I am probably buying 2.
80 to 85% were from frags. I used to have a softie tank. What you see is growth from 18 months of having this tank. The blue tort was a 3 inch frag single stick. The green cap was a 2 inch piece and the big red and green w/ purple rims were about a 4 to 5 inch single layer piece. Growth has been really good to me.
Xenia. My back wall was covered on the left side all the way down but it was getting too close to the rock so I razored it last week. I'm going to have it go all the way across but only about 4 inches down. I have xenia on the right wall as well that my clowns host in.
Your tank looks great! I am switching to 10k bulbs next week in the hopes of getting better growth and colors. The one thing I was worried about was color loss but from the amazing colors in your tank I can see that will not be an issue. Good luck on your trip. I am sure your wife will do just fine.
I actually like the aquaconnects better. The left bulb is an AC I was testing and the middle and right are the XM. I just ordered new bulbs as mine are about 19 months old.
Thanks for the comments. I like the aquascaping. I didn't want to do a rock wall at all. There is about 3 or 4 inches at minimum behind the rock where the fish can swim around. I currently have around 21 or 22. The only bad thing is my birdsnest and ultra green cap isn't showing because it is in the very back and I can't bring it up or the Seio will blast it. With the new pumps I'm hoping to get, this should resolve that issue.
VERY nice!! I'm sure your tank will be ok.. I'm sure you have an auto top off. Just get a 15 gallon tub and fill that puppy up so you don't have to worry about your wife messing things up. FWIW I work out of town m-f every week for the past couple years and I have everything automated to the hilt. :thumbsup:

Excellent job you've done there.
Thanks. My autotop is tossing a flex hose in my RO container and turning on a pump and running the line to the tank :) When I move it to the bar room after I build it, I plan on having auto top off and automating the heck out of it.
That picture (side shot)was from 2 weeks ago I believe. It's already poking through. I'm going to frag it again. I've fragged off about 12 inches already.