Curved Aquariums - Bad for Fish?


New member
I hope that this is the right place for this.

I just read an article in a Romanian newspaper discussing a new law where an owner of an aquarium with "spherical or curved sides" would be fined $100. It also said that the entire European Union has such a law in place. The reason cited by one of the voters is that "fish have problems with orientation." Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find either an English translation or a similar law in other countries.

I'm guessing they're worried that fish will run into a bowed side, as opposed to a straight side? Is this true? Anyone know of any similar restrictions or laws where they live?

I was just quite surprised, since I've never heard of this idea before. Most likely, it's just another case of lawmakers legislating what they don't know.

Interestingly enough, though, the law also stipulates that transporting a fish in a transparent container would incur the same fine. That one I've heard of (or at least the idea of covering the bottom of the container, so the fish doesn't get overly-stressed).
I found a similar quote from an official in Italy about five years ago. I was researching material for my book on mini-aquariums and came across this:

Recently, the region of Monza, in Italy created legislation that would ban keeping goldfish in bowls. An official was quoted as saying,

"A fish kept in a bowl has a distorted view of reality...and suffers because of this. "

It may be a European Union thing. It has absolutely no basis in fact. Most public aquariums use curved aquariums for delicate schooling fish and even jellyfish.

Jay Hemdal
hi i live in england and there is no law like that here.i have an aqua one windsor 88 bow front tank and my fish seem happy, as for a distorted view of reality unless you could make a reef the size of a swimming pool they arent going to get reality anyway
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11514673#post11514673 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by richie z
unless you could make a reef the size of a swimming pool they arent going to get reality anyway

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11340332#post11340332 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by JHemdal

"A fish kept in a bowl has a distorted view of reality...and suffers because of this. "

I would really like to know how this individual came up with this hypothesis.

Just what is a fishs' (any fish, in any captive environment) perception of reality?

I can see a few glasses of aged scoth in order to sort this out!
I'd like to see some research on this as well. If I saw a legitimate reason, I would stay away from curved glass in the future. But it sounds like b.s. to me. And on a side note I think the EU has much more important issues they could be dealing with...
I believe this is a very old law. Just like they still burn witches at to stake. If this law is true, you should move, and move even faster if you are a witch
I was under the impression that a fully round tank was better for very motile fish as they would never run into a wall. Gives the illusion of greater swimming space.
I dont think it would matter for fish if they see the outside of their tank "correctly" or "incorrectly".
Hello all, I'm a mad scientist living in south Dakota. It has been my aim in life to drive my fish completely insane. My experiments include submerging my fish in COMPLETELY ROUND HABITATS! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
I don't know about the fish, but I don't like looking through curved aquariums with thick panes, but maybe that is because I wear glasses.

Silly law when you compare it to other things we do to fish - I love to fish, but I am thinking dragging a fish through water with a hook is harder on them than being in curved tanks. And if you don't release them but take them home and eat them... :D
Well, I guess BiOrb sales are going to plummet in Romania...

Seriously, anybody with a larger tank will tell you the thickness of the glass or the acrylic creates visual distortions. How is that different from the distortions created by a bowfront or corner bow? Is it just a matter of degree? Are my fish in my corner bow crazier than my friends' fish in his rectangular tank?

Now if only I spoke Romanian and could get answers to these pressing questions. Oh, wait, my wife speaks Romanian...
And it's still illegal to tie a camel to a hitching post in Lawton OK....

I suppose the curved and toroid moon jelly tanks [which keep these creature from rupturing their tissue] are cruel.
like a fish sees what goes on in your living room isn't a distorted view of their reality any way, next you won't be able to look at the tank because the fish aren't use to seeing people in the wild. What a bunch of crazy hooplah. Thats why they are still a 3rd world country