Dennis - I run Apex, so I don't have direct experience with the Profilux. But I am an engineer, and have facility with control systems.
There are several ways to do what you want. The first is the most straightforward, though probably also the most expensive. You can get an
Expansion Box which will connect to your controller with the GHL Profilux Aquatic Bus. Since these bus connections are powered, you have a limit of 100 meters, which should be easily enough to do your ATO/water change containers. You then simply add a level control card to the expansion box, and you're set.
The more "DIY" method would be to power a set of relays with a cheap 24V power supply. You simply wire the power supply +24V to one conductor of your cable, run that to a remote mechanical level switch, then wire the return conductor to the + coil of a relay. The other side of the coil goes back to the ground connector on your 24V power supply. You then wire the level contacts of your Profilux controller to the relay contacts. When the mechanical float switch "makes", it energizes the relay. Your controller senses this, and you program in any warning that you like.