After about 6 weeks my new screen top from Artfully Acrylic arrived.
It's made to fit the tank exactly, even going around the overflow.
It's recessed inside with about 1/8" sticking up, supported by tabs on the corners.
I also opted for the feed door in the front.
I normally like to feed more in the center of the tank but it's still nice to have easy access to the water for filling test tubes, dosing things, placing my nori clip, etc.
The white screen material is the same as the BRS stuff.
It ain't cheap, but it looks much nicer and doesn't take away from the rimless look as much as other options.
So I get the clean look AND I don't have to worry about jumpers.
Overall I'm very pleased and would definitely recommend this product.
The only thing I would have liked to see is smoother, polished edges (i'm sure this would have jacked the price up even further though) and some kind of hinge on the door.
If hit right and hard enough, a fish could knock it off, leaving a good sized escape hole.
Love the way this came together, Gorgonians are really neat, underrated corals that have a "coolness" factor to me that rivals Acropora.
Beautiful tank sir !
Also what is under the tank is a work of art as well. I am very jealous of your organizational skills.