ok, here's a small project I've been working on.
Found a spot for a "somewhat temporary" quarantine tank.
So I decided to give the whole QT thing a go again.
Haven't had good luck in the past but that's kinda why I want to try it again.
Will only be for fish, so not full proof by any means, but it's something.
Here's the equipment rundown...
20g Long from Petco
HOB filter with sponge and biomedia.
Biofilter Sponge for more bio filtering and more aeration.
Silent-Air backup airstone for potential power outages.
50w heater
Stick-on temp strip
Seachem Ammonia Monitor
Extra sponges for the HOB
PVC for hiding places
Extra sponges for the HOB
Net and bucket just for this setup
Meds currently on hand...
Cupramine (and Seachem copper test kit)
It's been running and is cycled.
The wrasse and tang just went in today.
Observation for a couple days and then need to decide what to do about meds.
Advice/tips appreciated!