So apparently it's ok to run your tank with no return pump for several days. :angryfire:
Saturday morning (Happy Valentines Day to me) I decided to install my new Hammerhead impeller in my Reeflo Barracuda Gold return pump. Easy, right? Apparently not so much. The impeller was seized. Grabbed the can of PB Blaster Anti Seize spray which I've had for minimum 10 years and it's half full but ain't spraying. Switched to WD-40. Tons of it. Nothing is working. Next step in the Reeflo instructions in this case is to break off the old impeller so you can get a vice-grip on it. Broke off enough so it was down to just the main hub with the bolt inside and nothing still. At this point I have no pump. So now I break out the dremel tool and shave off the rest of the plastic to expose the main bolt underneath and I can now get a socket wrench on it. And on the other end, i removed the fan blades and now have a pipe wrench on that end of the main shaft. Tons of torque and NOTHING! This sucker is apparently welded on after 2.5 years of use. Now I switch to a big pipe wrench on the bolt, too. Two pipe wrenches, lots of muscle. Tried heating it a couple times. Tried banging the wrench with a rubber mallet. More WD-40. Anything to break it free. I'm getting no where. Then with more swearing and straining, I finally sense some movement with the pipe wrench. Or did it just slip? Tried it again and definitely movement. It's not moving easy, but it's moving. Turn, turn, turn... uh-oh. What the.... is it bent? It looks bent! Turn... turn.... SNAP!!! The bolt wasn't moving at all. Instead, the shaft sheared right off at the bolt. :headwalls:
Well shoot. Now it's Saturday morning and I have no return pump. Luckily my display has the Gyre and Tunze 6105 so plenty of flow there. Was able to add a small pump in the Mangrove tank. The Frag tank is already running and MP40, but no heater, just the MH and T5 lights. The fuge I'm not real worried about. Started making calls but had to spend the day with the wife and then other family later on. Nothing I could do till Sunday.
Sunday I head straight to my LFS who happened to have a spare Hammerhead laying around. Drove the 35 miles there and 35 miles back. Being basically the same pump it hooks right up to my plumbing. Tighten the unions, open the valves, and water starts gushing out the seal around that main shaft! This pump is worthless. GAH!
Well, time to overnight a new pump. Luckily The Drs had the Hammerhead Gold in stock and overnight shipping was *only* $48, at least half of other places. If the pump from my LFS would have worked, I could have went with standard shipping. Oh well. Ordered. Would ship monday, arrive Tuesday.
Meanwhile I was able to pass my heater and temp probe through the wall and into the display tank. At least that would be stable. And then I had another small heater from my QT that I put in the mangrove tank. Been running like this ever since. I've been sumpless and skimmerless. And I'm sure my Alk has been dropping steadily without the CaRx.
Woke up this morning and UPS tracking showed weather delays. 6am still in Kentucky. GAH! :headwallblue:
But luckily by 9am it somehow made it to Houston and is out for delivery.
So here we are. Another stressful tank weekend.
Pump should be back on tonite and hopefully that's that.
Meanwhile I'll send the old one back to Reeflo, hoping it can be repaired for not too much more damage to my wallet. A $35 upgrade has now cost me over $600.
Not mention more points lost with the Mrs with whom I'm already on thin ice.
And before you say it, yes I know... you should always have backup equipment. But when we are dealing with a pump of this magnitude, something else always seems to come first. And a smaller/different pump would require a change in plumbing. A dupe pump is the easiest to swap out, which I will now have.
So there you go... more drama in the d2mini tank. :wavehand: