New member
Didn't your parents warn you about sending pictures of your clam to strangers on the internet?
Didn't your parents warn you about sending pictures of your clam to strangers on the internet?
Nice pics Dennis. What lens are u using? I have a cannon 50D with a 100mm macro lense and I can't seem to get anything close to that. Do u move coral closer to glass to get better pics? I have a stand and remote to get better pics but lost the attachment to place the camera on the stand. Maybe I'll order that and try again.
Here's some frags that have been coming out of the d2mini frag tank recently, going to other local Houston area tanks.
These clam pics were taken with Nikon's 105vr macro on the Nikon D800.
The frag pics were taken with my Olympus EM1 with the 60mm macro.
RAW processed in Lightroom.
All handheld, nothing gets moved. Well, the frags in the frag tank were moved since i needed a good shot to post them for sale.
You have to make sure you have enough light to get a fast enough shutter speed.
Jacking up your ISO helps, as long as it doesn't introduce too much noise.
Yikes, hahaI do like your clam pictures. I like the first one. Kinda like teeth ready to take a bite.
Thanks!Yeah I'm going to have to play around with the settings a little more. I wiped my computer and need to download all the 50d software and PS to make some small adjustments. I hope I can get them 1/2 as good as yours. Great job
Dennis I know it must have been said somewhere but Im tired of searching this thread and not finding it lol"¦. Which MH/T-5 did you used when you changed from LED and what are you using now?
1) I am planning do a new fish room tour vid, just trying to tidy up loose ends first. I'll make sure to go over the ATO and AWC.So it only took me 3 evenings but I finally was able to read this entire thread start to finish (with some research branching off from things that were posted here; much like you can't go to wikipedia and just view one single page).
2 Questions:
1) In your fish room video (from before the remodel talking about the water mixing station) you were going to go into detail in a later video about your ATO and how it's plumbed/setup/etc. Going to still do that because I'm curious how that's all working now with the remodel and in general, reading it doesn't quite make it click in my head yet.
2) Have you ever crunched numbers on what your electrical costs are on this setup every month? Or maybe used a Kill-A-Watt meter to figure it out? I'm trying to figure out a size that will not only fit in a house I'm planning on building but also one that won't quite kill me monthly with the electrical costs and I'm curious what your setup is roughly running.
That's insane. I like it!Dennis I found your next pump when you are ready to upgrade. I have been using almost a year, is almost silent (the water makes way more noise). Puts off no heat, and is extremely energy efficient. I'm running around 3000 gph and it is only pulling 170w. No throttling valves, just change the speed on it. You will never have to get a larger one! @50' of head it still will push 9000gph! Currently running a 225, and a 120 with it which will be coming down in the next couple of months then will be setup on new tank... 630gal display
Here's my rainbow torch...
Hi Dennis
Are you using a second float/optical sensor as a back up to your ATO? I was planning to use the optical as the primary and float as a backup? Any thoughts?