*d2mini's new 200g Reeftastic Build*

Took a couple random updated pics of the fish room/science lab. :D

Here's the business side of it...


The fragging and testing station...


And the mangroves. I had trimmed them, they sprouted new branches and I'm going to have to trim them again. Looking for bushiness over height. They are already pretty tall.



Since when does teh d2mini use teh over-teh-back overflow?!


LOL, because when building out the fish room, I decided there was no need to be bothered with getting tanks drilled and overflow boxes made. The lifereef HOB's work great! :)
Just ordered a cebu, and was wondering why you decided to add the LEDs? Were you having trouble getting the color you liked?

I kinda go over it here...

But no, i wasn't having color troubles.
Basically there are positive qualities of each lighting system so I figured why not utilize all three? :)
The LED strip gives me an extra stage of dusk/dawn and that extra color pop during that time.
During midday it's allowed me to remove one of my actinic T5's and replace it with a KZ Super Blue for more PAR. The led adds a nice amount of UV and actinic for the coral.
Life Reef Venturi

Life Reef Venturi

just wondering if you could teach me on how to assemble the valve that you have near the venturi


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It is with a mix of emotions that I present to you the LAST pic of my reef! :eek1: :(


Life changes and you have to roll with it.
We decided as a family that it would be better for us overall to move back into Houston proper to be closer to work, city activities, etc so our home is up for sale! The long daily commute has taken it's toll on the wife and I and it's not fair to the kids either. Family takes priority! Hobbies are hobbies.

At this time I'm not sure what the future holds as far as the reef hobby is concerned. Anyone who knows me knows that I am very passionate about the hobby and there WILL be another tank in my future, I just don't know what that is at this time. I do know that the new (to us) house will be half the size, so I doubt there will be a separate fish room this time, or a tank of this size. That's ok though. This build was a fun adventure over the past 4 years and even if the next tank is smaller in scale, I have still learned a lot and hope to use that knowledge to create an amazing new tank no matter the size. And if you know me, you know I don't just slap a tank in the corner of a room and call it a day. There will be lots of contemplation and planning before a new build is begun. :)

You may be wondering what my plans are for the current tank. Obviously the easiest thing would be to sell it with the house, especially being so built in. But we all know chances are slim that the new buyer would be interested. At any rate, I figure most people don't care much about coral so I have already started selling off colonies. In the end, I would bet that the tank will be torn down and sold off. I will keep some equipment that could be used on the next tank like controller, reactors, etc. Some equipment will get sold. It's even possible the cabinetry will get removed just to make the room look bigger and put it back to "stock" spec so to speak.

Some coral I would like to keep, especially the higher end pieces. At least frags of it. So will be replacing my 10g fusion at my office with an IM Lagoon 25. This way I can hold on to my favorite stuff and then eventually transfer or frag it to the next tank at home. I will start a build on that soon, as soon as the tank and stand arrive at my LFS. What a downgrade/transition that will be! :lol:

So for now, I'll be selling coral, keeping the house tidy, and trying to get it sold in a slowwwww market. Will keep ya'll updated if we find a new place.
Keep an eye out in the nano forum if you are interested in the Lagoon build. I'll come back and put a link in here.

And thanks for all the support, help, encouragement, etc over the past 4 years!
It means a lot that ya'll care enough to read my dribble, look at my photos, ask questions... and I love reading when people actually benefit from it.
That's the best part. :)
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Man. Say it so! Your thread has been inspirational. I'm going through a major home addition myself right now and will be building a fish room etc. You provided so much detail on this build that it has shortened the learning curve for many of us contemplating similar builds.
no way Dennis!!!!!! As sad as I am to read this, I am happy for you and your family that this change will hopefully make life better and easier for you all!

It makes the decision to tear down a tank much easier when you have a big motivator behind it (like moving). At least it's not because you're tired of the tank. Good luck in selling your house. May it only be on the market for a few days and you get well above asking price! cheers
Best of luck to you Dennis. I made the drive from Cypress to I-10 and the Beltway area for 7 years. I know how brutal it can be. It really wears on you. Having small kids makes it even tougher. Moving out of Houston and a 1:30 each way commute to a small town and a 15 minute commute was such a life changer for me. I suspect getting rid of the hour+ commute each way will do nothing but good for you and your family. I tore down a 160 reef when we lived in Cypress to make my life easier, partly because of the commute.

Once you are up an running again hit me up if there is anything in my tank you would like a frag of. I go to Houston every few weeks for work so getting them to you would be easy.
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Thanks, everyone!
2016 should be an interesting year! ;)

And wazzel... the lagoon will be running LED.
So it's game on! ;) Will see how the coral make the transition.
I have one xr15w i'm using now. Need to decide what to add or replace it with.
Thanks, everyone!
2016 should be an interesting year! ;)

And wazzel... the lagoon will be running LED.
So it's game on! ;) Will see how the coral make the transition.
I have one xr15w i'm using now. Need to decide what to add or replace it with.

Cool. If you can accepted that it will be different than MH it will be just fine. Take it slooooooow. The ETM xr15w is a good unit. Check out this tank with the xr15's, if you have not already.

WOW. I just found this thread and looked at the last pic you posted of the tank. It is/ was amazing. I would cry for days if I had to tear down that masterpiece.