Yes, I still have the male, but he is blind in one eye. The female I lost due to an overly aggressive rosy scales wrasse. That was my first fish that I found as jerky on my netting
I think the one you have is a male. When they are paired up, their colors also become more intense. The whole "supermale" thing, IMO, is just another marketing tool and a way for a reefer to feel better than they next guy even though they have the same fish; I sometimes sit back and laugh at people who must have a supermale :lol: "Supermales" are more intense and are larger. Fairies wrasses start out as females, sub males, males, and then on to dominant males. As they get older and more dominant, they get even more colorful. If you pair him up, you will see

I think the one you have is a male. When they are paired up, their colors also become more intense. The whole "supermale" thing, IMO, is just another marketing tool and a way for a reefer to feel better than they next guy even though they have the same fish; I sometimes sit back and laugh at people who must have a supermale :lol: "Supermales" are more intense and are larger. Fairies wrasses start out as females, sub males, males, and then on to dominant males. As they get older and more dominant, they get even more colorful. If you pair him up, you will see