DanW's 187 SPS Dominated Reef Journal

AWT calcium result have always been off. They test calcium with ISE probe and then throw in a fudge factor to get their value. These values represent only the amount of free calcium ions present in the samples. They need to test with flame AA in order to total calcium concentration. There result with ISE probe will be 10-20 % off.
I got it and agree with you 100%. I understood everything except for one part"¦the part after "œAWT calcium result have always been off"¦"


Maxwell Smart
I got it and agree with you 100%. I understood everything except for one part…the part after “AWT calcium result have always been off…”


Maxwell Smart

Dan there method of test doesn't account for any other calcium besides Ca++ (free calcium or unbonded calcium). Calcium is normally add to your tank as Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or an other unbounded from. There method (ISE probe) doesn't account for this but flame AA would. Flame AA uses a standards at different concentrations to get a calibration line. Then plots the result of the unknown along a calibration line of those standards. It test for both "free" and bonded froms.

I haven't looked how they test for other compounds lately, but if I remember right a lot of there other testing methods were flawed too. :)
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Hey Kat. Yeah, they're pretty cool looking. I originally put six in and I've only spotted an individual twice since (I hope it was a different one). I was surprised to see how big it had gotten, maybe 3/4 inch. I did notice that the aptasia had decreased up high but I still have some here and there. If I catch it, I'll let you know. Will I get a stud fee and the first pick of the litter? :lol:

hahaha for sure Dan you can have first pick of the litter and get as many as you want if they make babies ;) Find it already!!

oh and i'm glad to see that things are lookin good with your tank! Love that tang btw!!
What's with the nice picture and NO caption or explanation??? :lol:

Nice fish, a dusimer I presume???

Dan there method of test doesn't account for any other calcium besides Ca++ (free calcium or unbonded calcium). Calcium is normally add to your tank as Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or an other unbounded from. There method (ISE probe) doesn't account for this but flame AA would. Flame AA uses a standards at different concentrations to get a calibration line. Then plots the result of the unknown along a calibration line of those standards. It test for both "free" and bonded froms.

I haven't looked how they test for other compounds lately, but if I remember right a lot of there other testing methods were flawed too. :)
Brian, I think they should hire you or better yet :idea: "BATL" (Brian's Aquarium Testing Lab). I'll be your first customer.
hahaha for sure Dan you can have first pick of the litter and get as many as you want if they make babies ;) Find it already!!

oh and i'm glad to see that things are lookin good with your tank! Love that tang btw!!
Thanks Kat, if I catch him/her/it I'll let you know.
hey dan, good to see your corals are starting to recover. Love your tank's dimensions: as long a tank as possible, yet you're still able to use only 2 MH bulbs!

sorry to switch topics, but do you have any humidity issues in the room given the tank's open top with the geissman fixture hanging over it?

Also, how do you like the 250W w/T5 combo so far? Any thoughts on going up to 400W?

Thanks for any info!
hey dan, good to see your corals are starting to recover. Love your tank's dimensions: as long a tank as possible, yet you're still able to use only 2 MH bulbs!

sorry to switch topics, but do you have any humidity issues in the room given the tank's open top with the geissman fixture hanging over it?

Also, how do you like the 250W w/T5 combo so far? Any thoughts on going up to 400W?

Thanks for any info!
Thanks, I still hoping that the "recovery" continues as I still have that queasy feeling that it will relapse but so far so good. I don't have any humidity issues but then again living in So Cal there is almost never any humidity in the air so I don't have to worry about it. That said, I didn't notice any additional humidity since the tank has been up. I love the length of the tank and really wanted to go with an open top and pendant and no one (at least that I could find) makes a 60" pendant with SE bulbs and 4xT5s. I do have lower lighted areas around the edges though where I keep corals that require lower light. If I had a choice I'd do 3 SE MH w 4x60" T5s or perhaps an ATI 8 (or 10) x 60" T5s. I don't think that I would go to 400s as IMHO I get enough light to the bottom and there are some chalices down there anyway. (BTW no apology needed on switching topics, there is no rudder on this ship.:p)
Thanks Dave, yup a juvi duss. Cool article here. Hope she doesn't get too big too soon.

Nice read Dan... Thanks and as always keep the updates coming!

On a side note, my Ca Rx seems to be doing great so far... how bout yours? I've been testing everyday/every other day and so far my parameters have been rock solid with very minimal tweaks on my part thus far.

I'm oh so very happy about that!~
Dan, did you check out the Giesmann line of pendents?
Yeah Leo, I did and I didn't see anything in 60" that met my specs. That's how I ended up with the Spectra. I keep thinking of going back to T-5s but I love the shimmer so I donno.
Nice read Dan... Thanks and as always keep the updates coming!

On a side note, my Ca Rx seems to be doing great so far... how bout yours? I've been testing everyday/every other day and so far my parameters have been rock solid with very minimal tweaks on my part thus far.

I'm oh so very happy about that!~
Dave, great news on the Ca Rx. It can be fustrating to get it dialed in. I think I've finally got mine in the zone also. I'll keep testing for a week or so and if the params hold steady and the corals look good, I'm going to bring my kalk reactor back on line too.
Thanks, I still hoping that the "recovery" continues as I still have that queasy feeling that it will relapse but so far so good. I don't have any humidity issues but then again living in So Cal there is almost never any humidity in the air so I don't have to worry about it. That said, I didn't notice any additional humidity since the tank has been up. I love the length of the tank and really wanted to go with an open top and pendant and no one (at least that I could find) makes a 60" pendant with SE bulbs and 4xT5s. I do have lower lighted areas around the edges though where I keep corals that require lower light. If I had a choice I'd do 3 SE MH w 4x60" T5s or perhaps an ATI 8 (or 10) x 60" T5s. I don't think that I would go to 400s as IMHO I get enough light to the bottom and there are some chalices down there anyway. (BTW no apology needed on switching topics, there is no rudder on this ship.:p)

hey thanks for the info! Too bad there isn't a 60" fixture. I've been thinking about a 60" tank for my next upgrade, but worried about cost of custom tank, custom hood, custom stand as I want to squeeze in 2 lumenarc III's with 400W. Just love the dimensions of your tank. hmmmm...
hey thanks for the info! Too bad there isn't a 60" fixture. I've been thinking about a 60" tank for my next upgrade, but worried about cost of custom tank, custom hood, custom stand as I want to squeeze in 2 lumenarc III's with 400W. Just love the dimensions of your tank. hmmmm...
Had I to do all over again I would have gone with a 225 (72x30x24). This would have allowed me to get a standard sized pendant w/3 SE MH and the T5s. But then again I wouldn't be able to enjoy it because I'd be dead as my wife would have killed me. I would think with 2 LMIII & 400W you'll have plenty of coverage. Let me know when/if you put up a build thread.
Had I to do all over again I would have gone with a 225 (72x30x24). This would have allowed me to get a standard sized pendant w/3 SE MH and the T5s. But then again I wouldn't be able to enjoy it because I'd be dead as my wife would have killed me. I would think with 2 LMIII & 400W you'll have plenty of coverage. Let me know when/if you put up a build thread.

Haha! Yeah, my wife would definitely kill me if i spent too much! Maybe someone should start a thread on how to convince your wife to pay that extra couple of thousand!!

Thanks for the info!!