DanW's 187 SPS Dominated Reef Journal

nice tanks, i really like the disposition of everything
can you post a pictures of the undertank, sump, ca reactor and everything under please
nice tanks, i really like the disposition of everything
can you post a pictures of the undertank, sump, ca reactor and everything under please
Thanks. Nothing special under, just a messy sump!
Nice tank:fun4:
Thanks Greg, that means a lot coming from you but uh, in the spirit of Mike Tyson...my tank couldn't hold you tank's jock strap. I frequently lurk in your thread and am amazed at your set up and the quality of pictures you post. If my tank ever gets 1/10th as good as yours, I'll consider myself successful.
Thanks Greg, that means a lot coming from you but uh, in the spirit of Mike Tyson...my tank couldn't hold you tank's jock strap. I frequently lurk in your thread and am amazed at your set up and the quality of pictures you post. If my tank ever gets 1/10th as good as yours, I'll consider myself successful.

That's a really nice compliment, thanks. :o

Ok so now we're friends, quit just lurking and start posting.:rollface::p
Dan- Where did you find that power strip on the right side of the picture above. I like how you can turn each plug off individually, however, the only place I have seen one of those is at Sam Ash for DJs, but it doesn't mount as nice and easy as the one you have there. Thanks.
Just like desktops, a messy cabinet is more productive then a clean one ;)
Btw, your cabinet is rather filled then messy. Nice tank Dan!

Dan- Where did you find that power strip on the right side of the picture above. I like how you can turn each plug off individually, however, the only place I have seen one of those is at Sam Ash for DJs, but it doesn't mount as nice and easy as the one you have there. Thanks.

Very nice Borbonius, by the way.
Thanks Ryan. I found those strips here:


and now they have some cool black ones that I didn't see the first time.

Just like desktops, a messy cabinet is more productive then a clean one ;)
Btw, your cabinet is rather filled then messy. Nice tank Dan!

Leonardo, Thank you for stopping in and the complement. I am a big fan of both the Formosa Forest and the Lagoon and frequently lurk to admire your work through your fantastic photos as well as gleaning any nuggets of wisdom from the posts. I donno about the mess=productive thing though, at least in my case I'm pretty sure it means disorganized brain!:o
Great stuff Dan, I just took pictures of my borbonius today as well :p
Thanks Mark. I got him when he was just a little guy, now he's getting to be niced sized. I have noticed a little more aggression lately, how's your borbs disposition?