DAS skimmer club

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13376820#post13376820 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by md fishes
Thanks for the recommendation. Pet-O-Rama is supposed to send me a new one but I'd rather have an O-Ring that isn't such a headache.

dont even bother :) already did that and had the same problem. the ones darG sent me r way better material.

i had the same problem with my pump rings. i went to aco and got some replacements. they were a little to big so i trimmed them with a sharp razor blade and that solved that.
Pump "O' Rings

Pump "O' Rings

Take the part # of the spears union and call them direct. They will give you the correct part # and where to get them in your area. Mine cost me 11 cents apiece.
Is the performance the same on the Deltic APF600 and the DAS EX-1? Are there any other place to buy them other then Pet-O-Rama? Thanks in advance
I have a Deltec Turbo 1060 and want to get a new pump. Will the Aquabee 2000/1 at Pet-O-Rama work just as well as the Aquabee that was supplied by Deltec?

Cleaning pumps?

Cleaning pumps?

I have a DAS EX-2 and shut it down to clean the pumps. On one of them the impeller can be removed from the shaft, but on the other the impeller and shaft seem to be one piece. Is this possible or is it just stuck? I don't want to end up breaking it trying to get it apart if it isn't supposed to be. Right now I have it soaking in some vinegar water.
Re: Cleaning pumps?

Re: Cleaning pumps?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13597199#post13597199 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bud's Reef
I have a DAS EX-2 and shut it down to clean the pumps. On one of them the impeller can be removed from the shaft, but on the other the impeller and shaft seem to be one piece. Is this possible or is it just stuck? I don't want to end up breaking it trying to get it apart if it isn't supposed to be. Right now I have it soaking in some vinegar water.

Both of my impellars come out with the shafts. I have never tried to remove the shafts from the impellars and there really is no reason to in order to clean the impellars anyway. I always just figured they were made that way and they both work fine, have always worked fine and pull about the amount of air they are spec'd to pull so I never worried about it.
Re: Re: Cleaning pumps?

Re: Re: Cleaning pumps?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13597879#post13597879 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DarG
Both of my impellars come out with the shafts. I have never tried to remove the shafts from the impellars and there really is no reason to in order to clean the impellars anyway. I always just figured they were made that way and they both work fine, have always worked fine and pull about the amount of air they are spec'd to pull so I never worried about it.

Ok, thanks! I always thought the impellars were supposed to spin on the shafts so the shafts don't have to spin with them. I was finally able to get it loose but it is still very stiff so I'm soaking it more in the vinegar water.
Re: Re: Re: Cleaning pumps?

Re: Re: Re: Cleaning pumps?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13598107#post13598107 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bud's Reef
Ok, thanks! I always thought the impellars were supposed to spin on the shafts so the shafts don't have to spin with them. I was finally able to get it loose but it is still very stiff so I'm soaking it more in the vinegar water.

You're right, The impellers spin on the shafts on every single pump I have ever owned except for, apparently, the DAS/Aquabee pumps, or mine anyway. maybe they do spin on the shafts in these too, I dont see how, not in my pumps anyway, but maybe they do. Or, maybe they made some one way and some the other way. Whatever the case, My pumps work fine however the impellars are spinning, shafts and all or just the impellars.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Cleaning pumps?

Re: Re: Re: Re: Cleaning pumps?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13599439#post13599439 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DarG
You're right, The impellers spin on the shafts on every single pump I have ever owned except for, apparently, the DAS/Aquabee pumps, or mine anyway. maybe they do spin on the shafts in these too, I dont see how, not in my pumps anyway, but maybe they do. Or, maybe they made some one way and some the other way. Whatever the case, My pumps work fine however the impellars are spinning, shafts and all or just the impellars.

Yeah, that's weird since one of mine spins freely and the other not at all. Unfortunately, I got the shaft out of the one that doesn't spin and now I can't get it back in. I soaked it overnight in vinegar water without luck and I tried putting it in the freezer for a few minutes but that didn't help either. I may put it back in the freezer and leave it for an hour or so. You got any ideas for me?
I took my DAS EX-1 pump off and it is the type that the impeller spins freely on the shaft. Even though the specs are the same they are definitely made differently.

The pump that has an impeller spinning on the shaft has red rubber caps that the ends of the shaft fit into and the shaft is about .25" shorter than the other. It also must be a little thinner since it will go into the impeller of the other just fine, but still tighter so I think the inside diameter of this impeller must be a little bigger as well.

The pump that has an impeller stuck tightly to the shaft has the same material as the shaft in the ends that the shaft fits into. The shaft is about .25" longer and the impeller inside diameter seems to be a little narrower especially at the bottom.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13604194#post13604194 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by md fishes
How often do you guys clean your pumps.

This is the first time I have cleaned mine after about a year of running it. I asked if they need cleaned a while back and got the response yes, but no time frame. Hopefully others will chime in with some recommendations.
Ok, I left the shaft in the freezer for a little over an hour and was able to get it back in the impeller. It's running now and seems to be just fine.
I dont think there really is a set time frame. I think I have taken mine out twice for cleaning since I bought it. Probably a little over a year now. They really werent very dirty. Just a little bit of slime. There really wasnt a noticeable performance difference. I would use 6 months as a guideline, myself. Cant hurt to do it more often though.
Do you guys have your air flow fully open? If I get even close to that I have a full collection cup in sections.
I don't have mine fully open, they are just about at 1 o'clock. I set mine up as DarG and USC-fan recommended with the pumps off the water level is just at the bottom of the collar and with the pumps on the bubbles should come up about half way in the neck. I think they recommended to start with the air line at 1 o'clock and adjust from there. I don't think I changed much from that spot.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=13605130#post13605130 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Bud's Reef
I don't have mine fully open, they are just about at 1 o'clock. I set mine up as DarG and USC-fan recommended with the pumps off the water level is just at the bottom of the collar and with the pumps on the bubbles should come up about half way in the neck. I think they recommended to start with the air line at 1 o'clock and adjust from there. I don't think I changed much from that spot.

Yep, that about sums it up for me. I actually measure my air flow and set the valves so they are pulling about 5.5 LPM per pump. But the flow rate through the skimmer and the water level as well as how wet or dry you like to skim will all be variables that make the recommendations just basic guidelines, not hard and fast rules.
I listened to them also when I set up mine up regarding water height. I have mine set just about 1 o'clock as well. Just checking.