Dawn's seahorse garden!

Last night at the last feeding I saw 1 of the dart fish! Woohoo! I am optimistic that all my new fish will be out feeding soon. The blue dart fish had such beautiful color in my tank, it was a very good choice.
:spin3:Bye Junior! Glad the dartfish are coming around. They are a beautiful fish. When everyone is having fun and out, try and get another video if you can. Your descriptions are great, but a picture...er...video is worth a thousand words!

I can see why you love this tank. Lots of fun critters to watch and life to admire.

BTW, how are the other ponies?
:spin3:Bye Junior! Glad the dartfish are coming around. They are a beautiful fish. When everyone is having fun and out, try and get another video if you can. Your descriptions are great, but a picture...er...video is worth a thousand words!

I can see why you love this tank. Lots of fun critters to watch and life to admire.

BTW, how are the other ponies?
The other ponies are great. With Jr off to her new home, I had time today to do a more thorough cleaning of their tank. I will try to get short videos of both tanks when I feed later this evening.
Hi.. I have sea horses as well and I was wondering if you saw any benefits when you added the sand. My tank is BB and I hate it I want to add sand something fierce! I keep thinking the good bacteria in the sand could help with filtering some of the wastes.
Yay. Love your videos.

I am still working on that video. Spirit and Spectre, the dart fish are elusive. They come out when the mood hits them, not necessarily when I am feeding.

I am still working with the gyre too to get the most beneficial flow.
Hi.. I have sea horses as well and I was wondering if you saw any benefits when you added the sand. My tank is BB and I hate it I want to add sand something fierce! I keep thinking the good bacteria in the sand could help with filtering some of the wastes.

Unfortunately I also hate a bb tank but my ponies got skin infections when I added sand. It may not have been the sand because I added some blennies and gobies too but I ended up putting the ponies back into a bb tank.
Great video Dawn! You really gave us a tour. You have a great collection of fish, corals and plants. The peaceful community of fish is fun too. Enjoying the Gyre pump? It's sounds like it!
Great video Dawn! You really gave us a tour. You have a great collection of fish, corals and plants. The peaceful community of fish is fun too. Enjoying the Gyre pump? It's sounds like it!

Thanks Michael. I am loving the fish and inverts I have. As you can see from the video, the blennies do not suffer from being shy at all.

I counted 4 emerald crabs just minutes before the video but do you think I could find a single one when I was filming??? None of the other crabs made an appearance either.

I think I am down to just 1 peppermint shrimp in each tank. Maybe in this tank I will get a true cleaner shrimp. They seem to stay out in the open more.

I like that I have more room for coral and plants too.

I am liking the gyre a lot but I still struggle with the controller when it comes to programming it. I watched a few YouTube videos and that helped. I am an idiot when it comes to pushing buttons in a certain sequence, ha ha!
For those of you who followed Jr's progress, she arrived at her new home yesterday. Her new owner sent this last night:

She made it fine and is busy gobbling up BBS and copepods!!! Thanks again! do i owe you anything?

I told him all he owed me was to take good care of Jr.
I love your tank. The new blenny is really cool, as are the dartfish. They remind me of a bright colored garden eel! The fang and linear blennies are really fun to watch as well. I didn't see the barnacle blennies. Perhaps blending in and tough to see because of all of the other activity distracting me. What's the bright orange critter in the far right corner of your tank?

Also, why are you setting fire to the seahorse background? :lmao:

I'm glad Jr. is doing well at his new home. Your response to the new owner made me smile ;)
How do you like the emerald crabs? I'm considering getting some. Any downsides?

I know what you mean with controllers. With our world getting more and more computerized, I prefer my aquarium experience to be more hands-on. The controller for my wave box is pretty simple, but there's much fiddling to be done! You and I are in the same boat, with our new pumps - new gizmos to figure out!
I love your tank. The new blenny is really cool, as are the dartfish. They remind me of a bright colored garden eel! The fang and linear blennies are really fun to watch as well. I didn't see the barnacle blennies. Perhaps blending in and tough to see because of all of the other activity distracting me. What's the bright orange critter in the far right corner of your tank?

Also, why are you setting fire to the seahorse background? :lmao:

I'm glad Jr. is doing well at his new home. Your response to the new owner made me smile ;)
I really like the orange spot blenny. He tends to stay on the bottom half of the tank while the linear blenny tends to hang up on the high perches so they get along fine with each other.

That is cool that you thought of a garden eel when you saw the dart fish because I thought the same thing. Its their face that is so similar and how their tail tends to sink. I guess they do bury in sand some but I have not witnessed any of that.

The barnacle blennies are really hard to see unless I point the camera straight at them and you know where to look. Even though they hang part way out of their holes they are not easy to see. With more traffic in the tank I am noticing that the barnacle blennies are not as bold to come out of their holes. I am going to need to be more intentional about target feeding them so that they get enough.

Ha ha, I am thinking that the orange critter in the far right corner may be my heater control. I will have to watch the video again to see if that is what you were seeing. I do have the heater laying on the sand horizontally so that it is more discreet.

I know, after I watched the video I could see the fire in the fireplace reflecting off the aquarium glass. I had just started it too so you can hear my kindling crackling a lot. We love our fireplace and use it 3Xs or more a week in the winter.
How do you like the emerald crabs? I'm considering getting some. Any downsides?

I know what you mean with controllers. With our world getting more and more computerized, I prefer my aquarium experience to be more hands-on. The controller for my wave box is pretty simple, but there's much fiddling to be done! You and I are in the same boat, with our new pumps - new gizmos to figure out!
I am not seeing a downside to the emerald crabs. I have heard that they will sometimes munch on coral but I have never experienced that. I just love seeing them tucked into a little crevise cleaning away at the rock.

Yes, I am with you about generally staying away from computerized gadgets and controllers. I like the acronym KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid, (probably because I am too dumb to understand computerized gadgets, LOL).
Thanks Dawn, that's good to know. Sounds like I'll add some emerald crabs to my crew.

Yep. There is definitely a place for computers in the hobby, but I prefer to avoid them myself. Lot's of great Apex setups out there, and I understand why, but it's just not my thing (he typed blissfully from his 27 inch iMac).
I generally say if I can keep a new fish for 2 weeks and they are eating, they are gonna be with me for a long time. All 5 of my new fish are eating well but I wished they would put a little weight on, especially the green clown gobies. They are really thin. The orange spot blenny is kind of thin too. The 2 dart fish were the last to come out and feed but they look the best of the new fish.

I am feeding 3Xs a day with 2 of the meals being meaty foods like mysis, fish frenzy and such. I am getting the beefiest looking micro stars that you have ever seen! Of course the crabs and coral like it too.

Unbelievably I am still not having any sort of serious algae problem. My macro algaes seem to be doing well and I guess they are keeping things like HA away. I do still have cyano/diatomous algae on half the sand bed which is very wierd. I have been considering a UV sterilizer. I used to have a 9 watt turbo twist on my 90 gallon tank years ago and it seems to me that it cleared up cyano/diatom algae a few times. I would probably only run it when I had rusty looking sand or were adding new fish. Right now I have no way to run it inline since this tank is an AIO. Sticking an ugly pump in the tank is worse than rust colored sand so I probably wont get it for a while.

I probably should check parameters. Who knows how high my nitrates and phosphates are with the way I am feeding.
It sounds like you're feeding them well, so they should fatten up. The challenge is to make sure everyone is getting food. Also if one fish is getting the majority of it, consider moving it to QT, to see if that helps. If you're feeding three times a day, and they're all eating well, you should be good.