dear anemone.....


New member
Dear RBTA please stop growing ur taking up too much space in my tank...thanks.

so i would like to go nuts and buy more SPS running out of room...i have been placing corals far enough apart to enable good grow out but my whole right side of my tank belongs to my RBTA which isnt cool isnce i want MOAR sps! :bigeyes:

and im currently looking at 5 new really nice frags from DR mac/PEACF (pacific east aqua culture coral farm lol) and i have the card in hand ready to buy but i realize that i dont have anywhere to put them....:sad1: so im thinking of ditching the anemone and training my clowns to host my frogspawn, only its about 1/4 of the size of my nem.....:sad2: so what to do....?
My dear anemone letter turned into a dear John letter... No more anemone in my life, now I'm on the rebound and looking for something to replace it...
dear nems,

nothing personal but you guys love to move around, sting other corals and most important a pain in my a$$ when you guys decide to move into a powerhead. so i decided never to get one unless i'm dedicate a tank to you guys(p.s i highly doubt it).

Arlin XOXOXo

lol arlin.

tony; do the frogspawn for u clowns. by far the best idea ever since frogspawn doesnt walk.

Eddie. let me think about afaraid the GBTA wont like the place i put it in and itll move around the tank, which would be far worse. i may just buy a large frogspawn and place it where the RBTA was.
I have a neon polyp toadstool that I'm going to decap and frag into at least 8 sections. This we can do at the next meeting in my office. April?