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Finally time has come that I can set up my Elos again. Last year and a half was an adventure for me, buying a house, moving and renovating. Having small kid also kept me super busy. Things are stabilizing and slowing down right now, so I can come back to my beloved hobby. Little history of my tanks, my first one was SPS dominated Oceanic Tech 120 gal., it was very successful with healthy SPS colonies and fish. It run for about two and a half years, it was taken down due to move. After that I bought my existing Elos and started again. First with SPS, but then I acquired beautiful colony of dendro and since this moment I was hooked. I got rid of my SPS and set up my tank with mostly sun corals and dendros, with some NPS corals. As far as fish deepwater anthias started to dominate. Here is a picture of that set up.
[/url]fts2 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]
Two years later I moved again, now to my own house
, I kept couple of colonies of my dendros, so I set up small 12 gal. tank to have something , before I could get my big tank again.
[/url]nano4 by Mark Mikina, on Flickr[/IMG]

Two years later I moved again, now to my own house