Dialup beware #2 tank pictures

vsnph, That quote was from Dr.Mac not myself. I do keep a few SPS in my system and they do rather well.

jessp, Yes I have a high flow tank. IMHO zoanthids need a higher, broader flow that most SPS. This helps keep sediment from decaying on their mat.

I have (2) Seio 1500 at present and a mag24 for a return, that is spread out over 4 different outlets. So just a guess but about 4000 GPH plus, on a 61.5 gallon tank

The return is off in most of the pictures, when on there is still very little ripple effect on the surface-some but not much.

Even though I do not skim, I do use other natural methods for nutrient exportation.

I can try and get pictures over the weekend with everything on.
DSB in the sump, a large refugium, aptasia cylinder/port, a lot of fan worms and a very very large clam. That is basically it on this system. My new sump will have a much larger aptasia colonial area and use a few different natural filtration methods.
An area split off of the return that can be opened and have aptasia deposited. It is an old Eheim filter with the sponge end sealed with a pvc cap with a 3/4 hole drilled into it that flows through a UV-then back into the chiller then sump return. As of now I maybe have 150 or so, I would like to have a couple thousand by next year.
Beautiful Tank geoxman!

So much information dispersed throughout the thread. I would love to see this setup in a "Zoo TOTM" LOL. I'm learning so much. You and MuchoReef have really inspired me to start up my tank.

Keep up the good work. I look forward to any updates and maybe a full write up with pics???

Yes, I don't know how I missed it but absolutely beautiful! Very informative also. Thanks for doing your homework!

I seen your tank before once and was shocked at how cool it was. I have to say this is beter looking than any sps tank iv seen. Love the clam.