Discovery Aquatics (Old Ocean Lifers?)

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There's those maricultured colonies again, haha. I think $58-68 is a reasonable price for most of them. At least thats what they used to cost...
Store is doing ok from what I can see I know they had recovering to do from old store! He is stocking it well and as I talked with them the other day there prices don't seem to be set in stone they are willing to match prices and help everyone have a good buying Experience!
Discovery Aquatics (Old Ocean Lifers?)

I stopped in there today just to check them out and ended up trading some frags for a nice bonsai and another Acro mini colony (nice florescent pop) that I got for a discount as it was starting to STN from the base. Fragged it and it's opened up and looking good so far.

Bob is the new owner. I spoke with him for awhile and he seems like a nice guy that is making it a priority to take care of his customers. He said they had the store full of livestock, mainly acros and someone poisoned their system, killing everything. I think they still have some work to do, especially in their frag tanks, for example, in my opinion there's not enough flow. They also seem to be battling some algae and cyano. Of course more flow and maturation of the systems will help.

I definitely like seeing maricultured mini colonies. It was hard to gauge his pricing as nothing has been labelled yet.

We'll see. I hope, as I do with all of our LFS's that they have success.
I stopped by last night and as was stated the owner is a real nice guy. He offered to order anything I was looking for with no commitment to buy. Actually some decent prices on frags.I got a 6 polyp sunny D for a great price. I was looking for a filter sock holder and he called his acrylic contact right then and there. Unfortunately kind of far north for me but I may start to make him part of my monthly circuit to all the Pinellas/Tampa stores.
Might be a nice guy but he just got busted using another LFS's coral picture on his Facebook page. Apparently he blames the error on his "marketing director"
Reef Wars!!! or Petty Facebook Picture wars. Lol. I don't see the need to blast the guy in public. A simple phone call could have resolved the situation.

Not to mention, people have done worse things than use someone else's picture of corals.. Like poisoning LFS's systems. I can only believe it's competitors around here who do this to each other and it's pretty sick for many reasons. Every single store in our area has been hit at least once, so if using a competitors picture is the worst they've done so be it. I'm sure he's learned his lesson.

The guy has laid out some money and trying to start a business. Perhaps some people know him and can pass judgment, but from some of the stuff I've read it seem like some people are hoping for him to fail. Which as a consumer and hobbyist seems counterproductive.

Personally it's none of my business, it was a crappy picture anyways, but that's why photographers put their logo or mark on all their pictures. I'm not suggesting it's ok, but have you ever seen a Jason Fox posted picture without his logo?
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I don't have a dog in this fight nor do I know the stores involved, but agree with Cuzz, if you don't want your pictures used mark them.

Heck, I even do that with the fishing pictures I take.
Seeing as how the two stores are in pretty close proximity kind of makes it a bit more serious IMO. Why not use a google random image? Youre trying to take the food out of somebody elses mouth at that point.
Seeing as how the two stores are in pretty close proximity kind of makes it a bit more serious IMO. Why not use a google random image? Youre trying to take the food out of somebody elses mouth at that point.

Well, I suppose someone could view it that way. Blasting them on Facebook seems like it would take more food away from somebody's mouth then posting a picture of unidentifiable corals stating "add some color to your tank."

I had to go back and check fb... I'll add there's a reason RC yanks threads that talk about people who aren't able to defend themselves. Seen it first hand on one of my own threads. I doubt they'll ever become a sponsor for TBRC, which again is counterproductive.
Irish- please don't think that I'm saying that's ok, I have no idea of the stores involved, nor do I want to know. I'm just saying protect your pictures, every photographer does.

If I ever found out who stole pics, I would personally never go there, pretty crappy thing to do.
Like I said in my previous post, Bob was bending over backwards to get me some things I was looking for. Even called me back today about an item. I hope for the sake of the hobby and our own that he does well. Maybe it was an honest mistake, he took it right down.
And I guess I should clarify, I don't have a dog in this fight either. Just not much into gossip. Someone does me wrong, I'll confront them. End of story.
I don't care about a pic on a website I still think it's a good lfs trying to help out our reef community! He is a nice guy and I think this whole discussion of a pic is childish like stated earlier a simple phone call from one lfs to another would have solved it end of story!
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